Tournament 48
Round 1
steady vs. flaky
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U1200 - Nova Division | Section TD: Theodulf Division TD: az2112 | |
White: steady
RollingRooks GMT -4 Tuesday 16:00 AST Black: flaky
Scorpion Queens GMT -7 Tuesday 13:00 MST ICC Server Time: Tue, February 15th, 15:00 EST |
Game Forum Reminders
Tuesday, February 8th, 22:33 EST | # 1 |
flaky [Black]
Start here.
Use AFTER an agreement is reached. |
Greetings, steady. I can play at any of the following times: 1- Thursday 09:00 2- Friday 19:00 - 23:00 3- Saturday 08:00 - 16:00 I'm looking forward to our game. Cheers, flaky |
Tuesday, February 8th, 23:47 EST | # 2 |
steady [White]
Start here.
Use AFTER an agreement is reached. |
Howdy, flaky. I'm not sure that I can make those times, so here are some offers: 1- Friday 04:00 2 - Saturday 19:00 - 23:30 3 - Sunday 13:00 - 17:00 4 - Tuesday 17:00 |
Wednesday, February 9th, 10:43 EST | # 3 |
flaky [Black]
Start here.
Use AFTER an agreement is reached. |
Your Sunday offer is close to workable for me. Could we move it an hour later? How about Sunday 18:00? |
Wednesday, February 9th, 18:50 EST | # 4 |
steady [White]
Start here.
Use AFTER an agreement is reached. |
Great! Sunday 18:00 it is! I'll see you then! |
Wednesday, February 9th, 18:51 EST | # 5 |
steady [White]
Start here.
Use AFTER an agreement is reached. |
steady says, An agreed time has been posted of Sunday, February 13th 2011, 18:00 |
Friday, February 11th, 05:25 EST | # 6 |
flaky [Black]
Start here.
Use AFTER an agreement is reached. |
I'm sorry. Something has come up. Can we reschedule? What is the rule here? |
Friday, February 11th, 13:25 EST | # 7 |
Theodulf [Section TD]
Start here.
Use AFTER an agreement is reached. |
Hi, Leaguers. flaky, it is your opponent's choice. Not everyone is able to reschedule after setting aside 3-4 hours for a tournament game. Your agreed time is binding unless he agrees to a change. I suggest you offer some new times, and see what steady says. |
Friday, February 11th, 19:59 EST | # 8 |
flaky [Black]
Start here.
Use AFTER an agreement is reached. |
Okay, I understand. steady, if you could reschedule, I would appreciate it very much. Would a couple hours later work for you? Sunday 22:00 - 23:30 If that doesnt' work, I could do Monday at 12:00 (noon), or any time Tuesday from 05:00 - 23:00. |
Saturday, February 12th, 01:37 EST | # 9 |
steady [White]
Start here.
Use AFTER an agreement is reached. |
Okay. Let's do Tuesday at 12:00 (noon). |
Saturday, February 12th, 01:38 EST | # 10 |
steady [White]
Start here.
Use AFTER an agreement is reached. |
steady says, An agreed time has been posted of Tuesday, February 15th 2011, 12:00 |
Tuesday, February 15th, 14:08 EST | # 11 |
Automated post
Start here.
Use AFTER an agreement is reached. |
[Event "Team 45 45 League T48"] [Site "Internet Chess Club"] [Date "2011.02.15"] [Round "1"] [White "steady"] [Black "flaky"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1362"] [BlackElo "1274"] [Opening "Queen's pawn game, Krause variation"] [ECO "D02"] [Time "12:00:36"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] 1. d4 {0:45:06} d5 {0:45:38} 2. Nf3 {0:45:43} c5 {0:45:58} 3. e3 {0:45:05} Nc6 {0:45:55} 4. dxc5 {0:41:01} e5 {0:45:22} 5. Bb5 {0:40:52} a6 {0:44:24} 6. Bxc6+ {0:40:50} bxc6 {0:44:14} 7. Nxe5 {0:40:06} Qa5+ {0:44:32} 8. Nc3 {0:36:15} Qxc5 {0:44:32} 9. O-O {0:34:55} Be6 {0:42:55} 10. Nd3 {0:34:05} Qa7 {0:41:47} 11. Re1 {0:34:22} Nf6 {0:41:42} 12. e4 {0:34:35} d4 {0:40:53} 13. Na4 {0:33:13} Be7 {0:38:21} 14. Bg5 {0:32:31} O-O {0:37:36} 15. e5 {0:27:31} Ng4 {0:34:00} 16. Bxe7 {0:27:07} Qxe7 {0:34:38} 17. Nac5 {0:26:56} Bf5 {0:30:23} 18. Ne4 {0:25:31} Bxe4 {0:24:11} 19. Rxe4 {0:25:04} h5 {0:22:42} 20. h3 {0:22:55} Nh6 {0:19:37} 21. Qxh5 {0:22:18} c5 {0:17:41} 22. Rae1 {0:19:22} Rab8 {0:17:47} 23. e6 {0:19:20} f5 {0:17:57} 24. Rf4 {0:18:01} c4 {0:17:14} 25. Ne5 {0:18:28} Qxe6 {0:15:46} 26. Re2 {0:17:11} Rxb2 {0:15:27} 27. Ng6 {0:17:11} Rb1+ {0:15:07} 28. Kh2 {0:17:30} Ng4+ {0:11:15} 29. hxg4 {0:15:11} Qxe2 {0:11:18} 30. Qh8+ {0:15:26} Kf7 {0:11:47} 31. Qxf8+ {0:14:24} Kxg6 {0:11:45} 32. Qxf5+ {0:14:52} Kh6 {0:12:05} 33. Qh5# {0:15:21} {Black checkmated} 1-0 |