Tournament 37 Standings

Mountain U2200Arbor U2000Aquatic U1800Erg U1600Planetary U1400Galactic U1200
EverestMagnoliaNiagaraKalahariMercuryGalactic Finals
Mountain SemifinalsMapleSutherlandMaineNeptuneGalactic Championship Tiebreak
Mountain FinalsOakTugelaMojavePluto
Mountain Championship TiebreakWillowVictoriaNegevPlanetary Quarterfinals
Arbor QuarterfinalsYosemiteSaharaPlanetary Semifinals
Arbor SemifinalsAquatic QuarterfinalsErg QuarterfinalsPlanetary Finals
Arbor FinalsAquatic SemifinalsErg Semifinals
Aquatic FinalsErg Finals

Click on team hyperlink to see team website. Click on Round number hyperlink to see pairings/results
MP=Match   Points GP=Game Points   F=Forfeits

 Colors:   Match Won, and 1.0 MP earned   Match Tied, and 0.5 MP earned   Match Lost, and 0.0 MP earned 
Mountain Semifinals - U2200
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1
1Forever Young Knights1.0   2.522.5 - 1.5
2Romanian Kings0.5   2.002.0 - 2.0
3To Be Determined0.5   2.002.0 - 2.0
4Marvellous Moves Clique-I0.0   1.511.5 - 2.5
Mountain Finals - U2200
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2
1Romanian Kings0.5   2.002.0 - 2.0
2Forever Young Knights0.5   2.022.0 - 2.0
Mountain Championship Tiebreak - U2200
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2P3
1Romanian Kings1.0   3.003.0 - 1.0
2Forever Young Knights0.0   1.021.0 - 3.0
Arbor Quarterfinals - U2000
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1
1Team Voja II1.0   3.503.5 - 0.5
2Keiki O Kilauea1.0   3.033.0 - 1.0
3The Peons1.0   3.013.0 - 1.0
4Magnum Ignotum U20001.0   2.512.5 - 1.5
5Discovered Mates I0.0   1.511.5 - 2.5
6LeChess Magisters0.0   1.011.0 - 3.0
7Forever Young Knights A0.0   1.001.0 - 3.0
8Young&Old Brilliants0.0   0.500.5 - 3.5
9Marvellous Moves Clique-I0.0   0.010.0 - 0.0
Arbor Semifinals - U2000
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2
1Team Voja II1.0   3.003.0 - 1.0
2Magnum Ignotum U20001.0   2.512.5 - 1.5
3The Peons0.0   1.511.5 - 2.5
4Keiki O Kilauea0.0   1.031.0 - 3.0
Arbor Finals - U2000
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2P3
1Team Voja II1.0   2.502.5 - 1.5
2Magnum Ignotum U20000.0   1.511.5 - 2.5
Aquatic Quarterfinals - U1800
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1
1Magnum Ignotum U1800B1.0   3.003.0 - 1.0
2Long Live the King U18001.0   2.502.5 - 1.5
3RedDeMate D1.0   2.522.5 - 1.5
4The Center1.0   2.502.5 - 1.5
5Keiki O Pele0.0   1.571.5 - 2.5
6Masagatsu Agatsu U18000.0   1.511.5 - 2.5
7Team Voja I0.0   1.501.5 - 2.5
8Marvellous Moves Clique-III0.0   1.001.0 - 3.0
Aquatic Semifinals - U1800
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2
1The Center1.0   2.502.5 - 1.5
2RedDeMate D1.0   2.522.5 - 1.5
3Long Live the King U18000.0   1.501.5 - 2.5
4Magnum Ignotum U1800B0.0   1.501.5 - 2.5
Aquatic Finals - U1800
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2P3
1The Center1.0   2.502.5 - 1.5
2RedDeMate D0.0   1.521.5 - 2.5
Erg Quarterfinals - U1600
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1
1STC16001.0   3.503.5 - 0.5
2ChessWarriors Bandidos1.0   2.502.5 - 1.5
3Chaturanga1.0   2.502.5 - 1.5
4Pawnchains0.5   2.002.0 - 2.0
5Wood Army Warriors U16000.5   2.032.0 - 2.0
6Magnum Ignotum U16000.0   1.511.5 - 2.5
7Jousting Knights0.0   1.501.5 - 2.5
8Thugzwang0.0   0.510.5 - 3.5
Erg Semifinals - U1600
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2
1Pawnchains1.0   2.502.5 - 1.5
2Chaturanga0.5   2.002.0 - 2.0
3STC16000.5   2.002.0 - 2.0
4ChessWarriors Bandidos0.0   1.501.5 - 2.5
Erg Finals - U1600
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2P3
1Chaturanga1.0   3.003.0 - 1.0
2Pawnchains0.0   1.001.0 - 3.0
Planetary Quarterfinals - U1400
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1
1The Beginning1.0   3.513.5 - 0.5
2The Queens Kings1.0   3.003.0 - 1.0
3Another Pawnshop0.5   2.042.0 - 2.0
4ChessWarriors0.5   2.002.0 - 2.0
5Long Live the King U1400C0.5   2.012.0 - 2.0
6FileMates0.5   2.002.0 - 2.0
7Eds LeChess Cuttings0.0   1.001.0 - 3.0
8RollingRooks0.0   0.500.5 - 3.5
Planetary Semifinals - U1400
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2
1ChessWarriors0.5   2.002.0 - 2.0
2FileMates0.5   2.002.0 - 2.0
3The Beginning0.5   2.012.0 - 2.0
4The Queens Kings0.5   2.002.0 - 2.0
Planetary Finals - U1400
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2P3
1ChessWarriors1.0   3.003.0 - 1.0
2The Queens Kings0.0   1.001.0 - 3.0
Galactic Finals - U1200
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1
1The King Assassins U12000.5   1.511.5 - 1.5
2Le Scrutinizers0.5   1.521.5 - 1.5
Galactic Championship Tiebreak - U1200
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2
1The King Assassins U12001.0   3.013.0 - 1.0
2Le Scrutinizers0.0   1.021.0 - 3.0

Playoff teams are ranked by MP and GP only. Seed order or forfeits are not taken into account.

Cook - U2200 - Mountain Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Forever Young Knights5.5 15.022.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.5
2The Cursed Kings3.0 14.011.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.04.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.5
3A Few Good LeChess Men3.0 11.542.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.03.5 - 0.50.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.5
4RedDeMate A2.5 10.523.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.00.0 - 4.02.5 - 0.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.5
5UniWillPwnU1.0   8.031.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
Denali - U2200 - Mountain Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Romanian Kings5.5 17.002.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.53.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.5
2To Be Determined4.0 13.001.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.5
3Mental Torture2.0 10.543.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
4Jedi Knights0.5   7.501.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.0
Everest - U2200 - Mountain Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Marvellous Moves Clique-I3.5 12.513.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.00.0 - 4.0
2Le Presidents LeChess Men3.0 14.011.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.54.0 - 0.0
3Runners3.0 11.522.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.0
4Busy Beavers2.5 10.012.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.0
Apple - U2000 - Arbor Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Magnum Ignotum U20005.0 15.512.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.54.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.0
2Team Capablanca3.5 12.502.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.0
3RedDeMate C3.0 13.503.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.01.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.0
4Flying Penguins3.0 13.001.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.0
5King Phisch3.0 12.021.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.0
6Knotty Ducts0.5   5.551.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.50.0 - 4.00.5 - 3.50.0 - 4.02.0 - 2.0
Hawthorn - U2000 - Arbor Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Forever Young Knights A4.5 14.503.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.0
2Discovered Mates I4.5 14.012.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.5
3The Second Pawnshop1.5 11.041.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.5
4Runners U20001.5   8.511.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.00.5 - 3.51.0 - 3.0
Magnolia - U2000 - Arbor Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1LeChess Magisters4.0 15.512.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.03.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.0
2Fischer Disciples3.0 10.522.5 - 1.50.0 - 4.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
3Fishers of Men 2000A2.5 12.012.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.01.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
4STC20002.5 10.011.5 - 2.50.0 - 4.00.5 - 3.53.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.0
Maple - U2000 - Arbor Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1The Peons4.0 14.012.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
2Young&Old Brilliants4.0 13.502.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
3Fishers of Men 2000B3.0 12.503.5 - 0.51.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.5
4Long Live the King U20001.0   8.000.5 - 3.51.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.5
Oak - U2000 - Arbor Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Keiki O Kilauea4.0 14.033.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.51.0 - 3.0
2kingfischers573.5 12.502.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.5
3The Dark Knights2.5 10.522.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.50.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.5
4Romanian Knights2.0 11.021.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.0
Willow - U2000 - Arbor Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Team Voja II5.5 19.503.5 - 0.54.0 - 0.04.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.5
2Damage Incorporated2.5 11.001.5 - 2.50.0 - 4.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.5
3Marvellous Moves Clique-II2.5 10.000.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.00.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.5
4RedDeMate B1.5   7.502.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.00.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.5
Angel - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Marvellous Moves Clique-III4.5 17.002.5 - 1.54.0 - 0.04.0 - 0.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.5
2Burritos Brothers4.0 13.502.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.00.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.5
3The Dynamics3.5 15.001.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.53.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.54.0 - 0.0
4The Fellowship2.5 11.004.0 - 0.00.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.5
5STC18002.0   7.500.0 - 4.00.5 - 3.52.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.03.5 - 0.50.0 - 4.0
6Keiki O Mano1.5   8.022.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.00.0 - 4.02.0 - 2.00.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.5
Iguazu - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1The Center5.0 16.502.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.54.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.0
2Long Live the King U18005.0 15.502.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.0
3Romanian Pawns1.5   9.563.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.51.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.0
4Jabberwocky0.5   6.531.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.02.0 - 2.0
Niagara - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1The Piece Keepers U18004.0 14.002.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.5
2Wood Army Warriors U18003.5 12.512.5 - 1.50.5 - 3.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.01.0 - 3.0
3SuperMates3.0 10.521.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.50.0 - 4.02.5 - 1.5
4Keiki O Pele1.5 11.071.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.0
Sutherland - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Magnum Ignotum U1800B4.5 15.502.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.03.5 - 0.5
2Almogavers4.0 15.501.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.51.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.04.0 - 0.0
3Discovered Mates II3.5 13.002.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.01.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.0
4Burritos Brothers C0.0   4.021.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.50.5 - 3.50.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.5
Tugela - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Masagatsu Agatsu U18005.0 16.514.0 - 0.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.0
2The Dragons-U18003.0 12.512.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.03.5 - 0.5
3Frumious Bandersnatches2.5 11.502.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.53.5 - 0.50.5 - 3.5
4Runners U18001.5   7.510.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.00.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.0
Victoria - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1RedDeMate D4.5 14.022.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 0.0
2Rookmasters Orphans4.0 14.502.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.5
3TheTeamMates3.5 13.501.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.53.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.5
4Wooden Ballet0.0   5.021.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.50.5 - 3.51.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.50.0 - 3.0
Yosemite - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Team Voja I6.0 18.003.5 - 0.53.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.5
2Le Chocco Bunnies4.0 15.500.5 - 3.53.5 - 0.54.0 - 0.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.5
3Magnum Ignotum U18002.0   7.522.5 - 1.50.5 - 3.50.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.5
4The Lucky Ones0.0   7.031.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.5
Gibson - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1STC16004.5 16.503.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.00.5 - 3.54.0 - 0.0
2The Ending4.5 15.003.0 - 1.03.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.03.5 - 0.50.0 - 4.0
3Le Rampant Rooks3.5 14.512.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.04.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.0
4Marvellous Moves Clique IV2.5 11.532.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.0
5Forever Young Knights B2.0   8.530.5 - 3.50.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.0
6Long Live the King U1600D1.0   6.001.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.00.0 - 4.00.0 - 4.02.0 - 2.0
Habbanya - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Chaturanga4.5 14.002.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.0
2The Pawnshop3.5 13.512.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.5
3PatzerBoyz3.0 11.512.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.5
4The Darkside Of Chess1.0   9.021.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.0
Kalahari - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Thugzwang4.5 14.012.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.0
2Long Live the King U1600B3.5 12.502.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.0
3Long Live the King U1600C3.0 12.023.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.5
4Fishers of Men U16001.0   9.501.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.5
Maine - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Jousting Knights5.0 16.503.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.54.0 - 0.0
2ChessWarriors Bandidos4.5 15.503.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.03.5 - 0.53.5 - 0.5
3Nice to Mate You2.5   8.511.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.50.5 - 3.50.0 - 4.0
4Zeitnot Scorpions0.0   7.501.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.5
Mojave - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Pawnchains5.0 15.502.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.5
2Chesspunks3.0 13.012.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.51.5 - 2.5
3Le Beastial Bishops2.0 10.002.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.0
4Asesinos de los Reyes2.0   9.522.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.0
Negev - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Wood Army Warriors U16004.0 13.033.0 - 1.00.0 - 4.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.0
2Quixotes LLtK3.5 14.012.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.02.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.0
3RedDeMate E2.5 10.511.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.0
4Dragons-U16002.0 10.502.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.51.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.0
Sahara - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Magnum Ignotum U16004.5 14.512.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.0
2Le Pawn Stars3.5 14.011.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.53.5 - 0.5
3Past Pawns2.5 11.011.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.0
4Masagatsu Agatsu U16001.5   8.512.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.5
Jupiter - U1400 - Planetary Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1The Beginning5.0 17.014.0 - 0.03.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.53.5 - 0.5
2RollingRooks4.5 14.003.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.5
3The King Assassins2.0 11.001.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.5
4Cosmic Chess Crew0.5   6.000.0 - 4.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.5
Mars - U1400 - Planetary Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1The Queens Kings4.5 17.502.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.03.5 - 0.53.5 - 0.5
2Another Pawnshop3.5 12.043.5 - 0.51.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.50.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.0
3Long Live the King U1400A2.5 11.502.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.04.0 - 0.01.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.50.5 - 3.5
4Enpassants1.5   7.000.5 - 3.50.0 - 4.00.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.03.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.0
Mercury - U1400 - Planetary Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1FileMates5.0 17.002.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.54.0 - 0.0
2CheckMates2.5 10.514.0 - 0.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.00.0 - 4.00.5 - 3.51.0 - 3.0
3The Queens Bishops2.5 10.032.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.54.0 - 0.00.5 - 3.50.0 - 4.0
4Long Live the King U1400B2.0 10.510.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.53.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.0
Neptune - U1400 - Planetary Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1ChessWarriors5.0 17.004.0 - 0.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.54.0 - 0.03.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.5
2Forever Young Knights D3.5 10.521.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.50.0 - 4.02.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.0
3The Chess Cohort U14003.0 13.503.0 - 1.04.0 - 0.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.0
4Wizards0.5   6.010.0 - 4.00.0 - 4.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.5
Pluto - U1400 - Planetary Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Eds LeChess Cuttings4.0 15.002.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.01.5 - 2.5
2Long Live the King U1400C4.0 14.011.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.5
3STC14002.5 12.024.0 - 0.01.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
4Niles North Brothers PWNAGE1.5   7.060.0 - 4.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.02.0 - 2.0
Messier - U1200 - Galactic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1The King Assassins U12004.5 16.014.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.0
2Fishers of Men U12003.5 12.500.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.03.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.5
3Cosmic Chess Crew U12003.0 12.001.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.0
4Forever Young Knights E2.0 10.003.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.0
5ChessWarriors Athenians2.0   9.522.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.00.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.5
Nebula - U1200 - Galactic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Le Scrutinizers5.5 17.523.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.0
2StarMates2.5 11.524.0 - 0.01.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.0
3The Chess Cohort U12002.5 10.040.0 - 4.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
4WildCats1.5   9.011.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.04.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.0