Tournament 57 Standings

Current as of: Tuesday, Aug 6 2013, 01:05 (ICC)

Mountain U2200Arbor U2000Aquatic U1800Erg U1600Planetary U1400Galactic U1200
Mountain PlayoffsHawthornIguazuHabbanyaMarsNebula
MagnoliaNiagaraKalahariMercuryGalactic Playoffs
Arbor PlayoffsTugelaMojavePlanetary Playoffs
Aquatic PlayoffsNegev
Erg Playoffs

Click on team hyperlink to see team website. Click on Round number hyperlink to see pairings/results
MP=Match   Points GP=Game Points   F=Forfeits

 Colors:   Match Won, and 1.0 MP earned   Match Tied, and 0.5 MP earned   Match Lost, and 0.0 MP earned 
Mountain Playoffs - U2200
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2
1Runners1.0   3.023.0 - 1.0
2Mate on the Horizon A0.0   1.001.0 - 3.0
Arbor Playoffs - U2000
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2
1Strukt I2.0   5.502.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.0
2Mate on the Horizon B1.0   4.013.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.0
3SV20000.0   1.501.5 - 2.5
4The Weak Shall Perish0.0   1.001.0 - 3.0
Aquatic Playoffs - U1800
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2P3P4
1King Pawn and Rook U1800 A3.5 10.003.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.5
2STC Material1.5   7.502.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.5
3DHLC CC&T U18001.5   5.503.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.0
4Fishers of Men U1800A1.0   4.503.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.5
5Mate on the Horizon C0.5   2.012.0 - 2.0
6BrainyChess U18000.0   1.031.0 - 3.0
7Fishers of Men U1800B0.0   1.021.0 - 3.0
8Mediterranean Sailors0.0   0.510.5 - 3.5
Erg Playoffs - U1600
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2P3
1Fishers of Men U1600C3.0   7.502.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.5
2Magnum Ignotum2.0   8.003.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.5
3STC The Deuce1.0   4.003.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.0
4Dragons-U16001.0   4.002.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.5
5Discovered Mates U16000.0   1.501.5 - 2.5
6King Pawn and Rook0.0   1.501.5 - 2.5
7DHLC CC&T U16000.0   1.001.0 - 3.0
8Le Rampant Rooks0.0   0.500.5 - 3.5
Planetary Playoffs - U1400
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2
1Whatitbelike2.0   6.013.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.0
2Maxwell's Equations1.0   4.033.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.0
3Rubidium0.0   1.001.0 - 3.0
4Chesstidigitators0.0   1.001.0 - 3.0
Galactic Playoffs - U1200
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1
1Save the King1.0   3.003.0 - 1.0
2TyroCaissa0.0   1.001.0 - 3.0

Playoff teams are ranked by MP and GP only. Seed order or forfeits are not taken into account.

Cook - U2200 - Mountain Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
1Mate on the Horizon A5.5 18.000.5 - 3.52.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.0
2Runners4.5 16.023.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.0
3RedDeMate A3.5 14.002.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.5
4Rhenium3.5 13.042.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.50.0 - 4.03.5 - 0.51.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.0
5SV22003.0 13.021.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.00.0 - 4.0
6Golden Pawns2.5 12.530.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.54.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.00.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.5
7SVMind2.0 11.513.5 - 0.51.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.0
Apple - U2000 - Arbor Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1SV20004.0 12.000.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.5
2Ninja Rookers3.5 13.523.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.5
3STC IDentity3.0 13.512.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.54.0 - 0.0
4Brainychess U20001.5   9.001.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.50.0 - 4.0
Hawthorn - U2000 - Arbor Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Mate on the Horizon B4.5 15.013.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.0
2STC Silver4.0 13.012.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.0
3STC20002.0 10.551.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.0
4Histerics1.5   9.521.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.0
Magnolia - U2000 - Arbor Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Strukt I5.0 16.502.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.03.5 - 0.53.5 - 0.5
2ChessDream2.5 10.501.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.52.5 - 1.5
3The CCLian Defense2.5 10.032.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.5
4RedDeMate B2.0 11.013.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.5
Maple - U2000 - Arbor Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1The Weak Shall Perish5.0 15.502.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.0
2Masagatsu Agatsu U20004.0 13.502.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.50.5 - 3.53.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.0
3Leviathan2.0 11.001.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.53.5 - 0.51.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.0
4LeChess Maestros1.0   8.002.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.50.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.0
Angel - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Fishers of Men U1800B4.5 16.523.5 - 0.54.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.5
2BrainyChess U18004.5 12.032.5 - 1.50.0 - 4.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.5
3Strukt II3.5 12.502.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
4Valar Morghulis2.5 11.511.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
5Discovered Mates U18001.5 10.001.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.0
6SV18001.5   9.500.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
Iguazu - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1DHLC CC&T U18004.0 16.001.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.03.5 - 0.53.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.0
2STC Material4.0 14.503.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
3Asesinos de los Reyes3.5 10.502.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.5
4Fishers of Men U18002.5 10.512.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.50.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.5
5Le Chocco Bunnies1.0   8.511.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.0
Niagara - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Mate on the Horizon C4.5 14.012.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.5
2STC Steamrollers3.5 12.032.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.00.5 - 3.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.0
3Pawn To Be Wild2.5 14.001.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.54.0 - 0.01.5 - 2.5
4Something Cool LLtK1.5   8.022.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.02.0 - 2.0
Sutherland - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1King Pawn and Rook U1800 A4.0 16.001.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.53.5 - 0.53.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.0
2Fishers of Men U1800A3.5 13.003.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.00.5 - 3.53.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.0
3Wooden Ballet2.5   9.000.5 - 3.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.50.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.0
4RedDeMate C2.0 10.012.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.0
Tugela - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Mediterranean Sailors4.0 14.013.0 - 1.03.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.00.5 - 3.51.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.0
2Don't Throw in the Tal3.0 12.002.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.5
3Cheburashka3.0 10.522.0 - 2.00.5 - 3.50.0 - 4.03.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.5
4King Pawn and Rook U18002.0 11.501.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.54.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.0
Gibson - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1STC The Deuce4.0 13.002.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.0
2Fishers of Men U1600B3.5 12.012.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.0
3Asesinos de los Reyes II2.5 11.501.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.0
4SV16002.0 11.511.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.0
Habbanya - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Discovered Mates U16003.5 13.502.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.5
2Haunting Castles3.5 13.003.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.5
3Fishers of Men U16003.0 12.002.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.5
4Quixotes LLtK2.0   9.511.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.51.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.5
Kalahari - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Magnum Ignotum5.0 15.002.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.5
2Knights of Ni3.0 12.001.5 - 2.53.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.50.5 - 3.5
3Dreadful Knights2.0 10.503.0 - 1.00.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.5
4Niobium2.0 10.521.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.5
Maine - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1King Pawn and Rook4.0 16.502.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.04.0 - 0.04.0 - 0.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.0
2Le Rampant Rooks4.0 14.002.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.0
3RedDeMate D2.5   9.513.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.0
44HourLifes1.5   8.001.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.01.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.0
Mojave - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Dragons-U16004.0 15.001.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.03.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.0
2The Knights of Sparta U16004.0 13.511.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.00.5 - 3.53.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.0
3Lets Play2.5 11.003.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.0
4Gomers Pawn Stars1.5   8.512.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.0
Negev - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Fishers of Men U1600C4.5 14.002.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.5
2Chaotic Equations3.0 13.014.0 - 0.01.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.0
3MiddleEarthFolk LLtk3.0 12.501.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.5
4Flaming Kings1.5   8.520.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.0
Sahara - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1DHLC CC&T U16004.0 17.004.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.04.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.0
2Valar Morghulis II4.0 13.000.0 - 4.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.04.0 - 0.00.0 - 4.0
3BrainyChess U16002.5 11.503.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.5
4STC Gold1.5   6.521.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.00.0 - 4.02.5 - 1.5
Jupiter - U1400 - Planetary Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Maxwell's Equations4.5 16.033.0 - 1.04.0 - 0.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.5
2Zymers LLtK4.5 15.002.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.04.0 - 0.03.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.5
3King Pawn and Rook U14004.0 13.501.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.5
4The Tal and the Short of it2.5 12.001.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.5
5Lets Play U14001.5   9.022.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.0
6Eds LeChess Cuttings1.0   6.531.5 - 2.50.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.0
Mars - U1400 - Planetary Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Whatitbelike4.5 17.014.0 - 0.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
2Fishers of Men U14003.0 11.502.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.0
3Dragons-U14002.5   8.502.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.00.0 - 4.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.0
4Knights of the Square Board2.0 11.000.0 - 4.02.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.0
Mercury - U1400 - Planetary Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Rubidium5.5 20.003.5 - 0.54.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.54.0 - 0.04.0 - 0.0
2EnPassantsU14003.0 10.500.5 - 3.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.00.0 - 4.0
3The Actualizers2.0   9.512.0 - 2.00.0 - 4.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.0
4DHLC CC&T U14001.5   8.022.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.00.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.0
Neptune - U1400 - Planetary Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Chesstidigitators5.0 15.002.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.0
2Valar Morghulis III3.0 11.501.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.5
3TheTeamMates U14002.5 12.502.5 - 1.54.0 - 0.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.5
4Whatitisiswhatitis1.5   9.021.5 - 2.50.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.0
Messier - U1200 - Galactic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Save the King5.0 15.503.5 - 0.51.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.0
2The Crowning Touch3.5 13.512.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.0
3Integral Equations3.0 12.010.5 - 3.53.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.53.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.0
4Yet Another Pawnshop0.5   7.012.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.0
Nebula - U1200 - Galactic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1TyroCaissa5.5 17.003.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.0
2Hastings3.5 12.012.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.0
3RollingRooks2.5 10.511.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.0
4Golden Pawns U12000.5   7.531.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.01.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.0