Tournament 73 Standings

Current as of: Tuesday, Aug 15 2017, 04:20 (ICC)

Arbor U2000Aquatic U1800Erg U1600Planetary U1400Galactic U1200
HawthornIguazuHabbanyaMarsGalactic Playoff
Arbor PlayoffNiagaraKalahariMercury
Aquatic PlayoffMainePlanetary Playoff
Erg Playoff

Click on team hyperlink to see team website. Click on Round number hyperlink to see pairings/results
MP=Match   Points GP=Game Points   F=Forfeits

 Colors:   Match Won, and 1.0 MP earned   Match Tied, and 0.5 MP earned   Match Lost, and 0.0 MP earned 
Arbor Playoff - U2000
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1
1RedDeMate A1.0   3.003.0 - 1.0
2STC Silver0.0   1.001.0 - 3.0
Aquatic Playoff - U1800
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2
1STC Material2.0   5.522.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.0
2ScorchingIce1.0   4.013.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.0
3STC Steamrollers0.0   1.511.5 - 2.5
4Newbie Warriors Our Year0.0   1.021.0 - 3.0
Erg Playoff - U1600
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2
1Gomers Le Rampant Pawn Stars2.0   6.503.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.0
2Dragons-U16001.0   3.502.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.0
3RedDeMate C0.0   1.501.5 - 2.5
4E.N. Crazy Chess0.0   0.510.5 - 3.5
Planetary Playoff - U1400
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1P2
1The Bills2.0   6.003.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.5
2STC Rooks1.0   4.002.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.5
3Chesstidigitators0.0   1.501.5 - 2.5
4RedDeMate D0.0   0.520.5 - 3.5
Galactic Playoff - U1200
PlaceTeamMP GPFP1
1E.L. Crazy Chess1.0   3.003.0 - 1.0
2BodhiBraves0.0   1.011.0 - 3.0

Playoff teams are ranked by MP and GP only. Seed order or forfeits are not taken into account.

Apple - U2000 - Arbor Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1STC Silver4.0 14.502.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.0
2STC IDentity4.0 12.031.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.5
3ChessUy2.5 11.053.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.51.5 - 2.5
4Fight for the King!1.5 10.512.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.53.5 - 0.51.0 - 3.0
Hawthorn - U2000 - Arbor Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1RedDeMate A5.5 17.503.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.5
2Trump Triumphant3.0 13.043.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.5
3Tenacity3.0 12.001.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.03.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.5
4Warrior Future Stars0.5   5.540.5 - 3.51.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.00.5 - 3.50.5 - 3.5
Angel - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Newbie Warriors Our Year5.0 15.022.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.5
24HourLifes3.0 12.521.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.5
3Le Chocco Bunnies2.5 13.023.5 - 0.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.0
4Celestial Chess1.5   7.510.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.52.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.0
Iguazu - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1STC Steamrollers4.5 15.014.0 - 0.00.5 - 3.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.5
2ScorchingIce4.0 14.012.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.0
3Heavy Mental2.0   8.030.0 - 4.02.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.5
4Pawn Stormers1.5 11.022.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.0
Niagara - U1800 - Aquatic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1STC Material4.0 13.521.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.0
2RedDeMate B3.5 13.503.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.0
3Mediterranean Sailors2.5 11.501.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.0
4Valar Morghulis U18002.0   9.532.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.0
Gibson - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1RedDeMate C5.0 15.002.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.51.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.5
2Valar Morghulis U16004.0 14.002.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.0
3Desert Ducts3.0 13.511.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.54.0 - 0.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.5
4STC The Deuce3.0 12.012.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.50.5 - 3.51.0 - 3.04.0 - 0.0
5Quixotes LLtK2.5 13.003.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.04.0 - 0.01.0 - 3.0
6ChessKids0.5   4.521.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.00.0 - 4.00.0 - 4.00.0 - 4.0
Habbanya - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Gomers Le Rampant Pawn Stars4.5 15.000.5 - 3.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.03.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.0
2STC Gold3.5 11.011.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.02.5 - 1.50.5 - 3.52.5 - 1.5
3The Kings2.0 11.013.5 - 0.51.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.0
4Pyrrole Red2.0 11.003.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.5
Kalahari - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1E.N. Crazy Chess4.0 15.012.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.04.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.0
2Whatitbelike4.0 13.502.5 - 1.54.0 - 0.00.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.5
3Chaotic Equations3.5 11.501.5 - 2.50.0 - 4.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.0
4Niobium0.5   8.041.5 - 2.51.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.50.5 - 3.5
Maine - U1600 - Erg Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1Dragons-U16004.0 14.501.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.5
2DHLC CC&T U16004.0 14.002.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.01.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.5
3Warrior Champions2.5 11.011.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.52.5 - 1.53.5 - 0.5
4MiddleEarthFolk1.5   8.502.5 - 1.51.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.5
Jupiter - U1400 - Planetary Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1RedDeMate D4.0 16.524.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.54.0 - 0.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.0
2Dragons-U14003.5 13.011.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.52.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.5
3Valar Morghulis U14003.5 11.002.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.00.5 - 3.50.0 - 4.03.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.5
4Whatitisiswhatitis1.0   7.500.0 - 4.01.5 - 2.53.5 - 0.51.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.51.0 - 3.0
Mars - U1400 - Planetary Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1STC Rooks5.5 17.502.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.03.5 - 0.53.0 - 1.0
2The Red Knights3.0 12.003.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.0
3Planetary Ducts2.5 11.511.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.0
4Maxwell's Equations1.0   7.021.0 - 3.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.00.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.0
Mercury - U1400 - Planetary Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1The Bills4.5 15.003.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.03.5 - 0.52.5 - 1.5
2Chesstidigitators4.5 14.502.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.02.0 - 2.03.0 - 1.0
3Knightmayors2.0   9.501.5 - 2.52.5 - 1.51.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.00.5 - 3.51.0 - 3.0
4Fishers of Men - Redeemed1.0   9.021.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.5
Messier - U1200 - Galactic Section
PlaceTeamMP GPFR1R2R3R4R5R6
1BodhiBraves4.5 17.012.5 - 1.54.0 - 0.03.5 - 0.54.0 - 0.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.0
2E.L. Crazy Chess4.5 13.502.5 - 1.50.0 - 4.02.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.03.5 - 0.52.0 - 2.0
3W0MN3.0 11.513.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.00.5 - 3.51.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.03.0 - 1.0
4Yet Another Pawnshop2.5 11.501.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.02.0 - 2.01.0 - 3.03.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.0
5RedDeMate E2.0   8.001.0 - 3.02.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.00.0 - 4.00.5 - 3.52.0 - 2.0
6Hastings1.5 10.501.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.51.5 - 2.53.0 - 1.01.0 - 3.02.0 - 2.0