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T22-23 STEERING COMMITTEE AGENDASteering Committee members: chesskix, DaveTheRook (chair), JDFitzpat, Kingofknights, rgadoury, SandiaCaveMan, scandium, SeniorCitizen, twinders. Item 1. ICC Tournament parameters — Item 1.a. FICS Tournament parameters —
Item 2. Statute Change. Section 8. B. Team captains will now post their board assignments directly to the teamchess.org/Captains page no later than 2:00 a.m. Wednesday, GMT . The conference directors will activate Game Forum and post the pairings as soon thereafter as they can. If the Game Forum can be programmed to start on a timer in conformance with this statute, the program will use default board assignments for any teams that have not posted their boards.” APPROVED 9-0 Item 3. Shall a team be permitted to set board assignments other than in order of the fixed ratings? (requested by rmc 3/26/04). NOT APPROVED 9-0 Item 4. Proposal to change method of assigning fixed ratings. Add to Section 4. E. which now reads: “The players’ ratings shall be fixed by the Tournament Director at the time the team entry is processed, but no earlier than the official start of the entry period. Once a player’s rating is ‘fixed’ it shall remain the same for the duration of the tournament.” Add to it, “All fixed ratings will be reviewed by the Tournament Director and adjusted upward if appropriate, using the following criteria:
Item 5. Section 15.A.i.a. 2nd sentence now reads: “After a 15-minute grace period the offended player may send a request for a forfeit to their team captain, who shall forward this request to the Tournament Director (or his agent).” Revise to read, “After a 15 (30?)-minute grace period the offending player will automatically be charged with a loss. Rescheduling of the game is not an option available to either player. The vote for automatic forfeit was APPROVED 7-2. The vote for a 30-minute grace period was approved 4-3 with two abstentions. Item 6. Everywhere that Tournament Director (or their agent) is mentioned, shorten to “Tournament Director.” APPROVED 9-0 Item 7. Add to Section 2, a paragraph C. Unless otherwise stated, deadlines will be 2 am GMT on the day specified. APPROVED 9-0 Item 8. A reconsideration of the reliability ratings.
After discussion of Reliability
Ratings and how two Yellow Cards (earning a Red Card), in either a single
tourney or in consecutive tourneys should be handled, the Steering Committee
voted to affirm the time period (from time of issuance through the next complete
tournament) of Section 8.C, by a vote of 8-1 and voted to do
away with Reliability Ratings by a vote of
6-2 with one absention
Elimination of reliability ratings removes Sections 1.A.xii, 17.C.i, 17.F and
17.G from the statutes. Item 9. Section 4.C. iv, Remove the last sentence: “If there is expected to be a transition in time with regard to Daylight Saving Time, the date of this change should also be included.” APPROVED 9-0 Item 10. Add to Section 6.A., iii: In a 7-team division there will be a playoff game between the first and second place teams to determine the Section champion. It is a winner take all match, using Championship tiebreak rules. APPROVED 9-0 Item 11. Add Section 7. F. (This schedule is based on a swiss schedule provided by thewiz. I modified it by reversing the teams so that the higher seeds--1, 3, 5, 7--would have 4 away games and 3 home games, as a slight handicap, in the spirit of closer competition --rgadoury) APPROVED 9-0 The playing
schedule for a 7-team section shall be (#8 being a bye team):
Item 12. Section 9 A. revise to read, (basically removing email addresses from the pairing). The Tournament Director shall collect the Board Assignments from the Team Captains (now posted by the captains to the Captains page of the website). With these and the scheduling from Section 7, they shall prepare the Pairings and publicly display them at the league website. The deadline for this public display shall be specified in the Tournament Parameters. Information to be included in this public display shall be the ICS handle of the players, their fixed ratings, their time zone and their color allocation as specified in subsection (C) of this section. APPROVED 9-0 Item 13. Revise Section 10 in its entirety, to read APPROVED 8-0-1 with one abstention Section 10 - Scheduling Procedures
Item 14. Add to Section 11.B. ii : Once the game has started, no one may call to the players' attention any errors in color or time, or offer advice on accepting draw offers. Control of the game is solely in the players' hands. APPROVED 5-2-2 with two abstentions Item 15. Section 13. B. i., remove current “(b) Team Average Rating” and replace with a revised (c), to read 13. B. i. b. Alphabetically by Team name. APPROVED 9-0 Item 16. Revise 13.G regarding
withdrawing teams, to read. The results of the teams who have completed matches against the withdrawn team shall stand as played. If the team withdraws in the midst of a round, games already played at the time of withdrawal shall stand, games not yet started shall be setgame against the withdrawing team. Results of any remaining matches by the withdrawing team will be shown as Set Game to each opponent. APPROVED 9-0 Item 17. Remove Section 19. C and D as no longer applicable. APPROVED 8-0-1 with one abstention Item 18. A proposal to add a U1800 section in FICS conference.APPROVED 9-0 Item 18 (B). There is good news! ICC management has agreed to provide PRIZES for up to two new sections, as they have for our U2000, U1600 and U1300 sections. I will present a few options, please vote on your preference for ICC T24 sections. A. U2200, U2000, U1800, U1600, U1300. Approved B. U2100, U1800, U1600, U1300. C. U2000, U1800, U1600, U1300. A. 4 votes Item 19 (A). A proposal to change the "championship" final round playoff tiebreak method between two teams in any Section when the final score is 2-2. The teams will play another match with colors reversed. Should the second match also finish in a 2-2 tie, the tiebreak rules of Section 13.B.ii.a. shall be applied. Should it come down to 13.B.ii.a.10--a coin toss--the teams shall be declared co-champions. In the ICC Conference the coin toss shall be used only to determine which team shall receive ICC prize membership extensions if ICC does not wish to award duplicate prizes. APPROVED 6-0 with 3 abstentions Item 19 (B). Remove Section 6.C. regarding equivalency of records. Reasons: With our new division makeups of 3-7 teams forming an entire section there is no odd-team division of less than 5 teams, and at most one bye round. A single 0.5MP, 2.0 GP result from a bye round is very realistic outcome at least once in any 6-played round division and should be counted as such in seeding playoff berths. The math is such that weight-based calculations always results in a presumed win, never drawn or lost. I APPROVED 7-0 with 2 abstentions tem 19 (C). A member suggestion. In the case of a position round, the paired teams have colors (home and away) opposite of what they were when they met in the first five rounds. Reason: This would more closely approximate the double round robin of a 4-team division. APPROVED 8-0 with 1 abstention |