Team 45 45 League
Serious Chess and Team Spirit on the ICC
Steering Committee members:
Permanent Members:
DaveTheRook (chair), BosqueVerde, chesskix, rgadoury
General Members: , bmw2002, fledermaus, Gomer, Invicta-knight, Kingofknights,
RedAttackStanding Subcommittee (Rules):
rgadoury (chair), BosqueVerde, chesskix, Invicta-Knight
Standing Subcommittee (Technology):
bmw2002 (chair), AlPearson, BosqueVerde, chesskix,
DaveTheRook, fledermaus, Gomer, rgadoury
The role and purpose of the Steering Committee is to
manage the affairs of the league, to set its direction and
expansion, see to its advertisement and management, writing the
Constitution, Statutes and Handbooks, and reviewing the rulings of
the previous Oversight Committee. This is the ultimate governing
body of Team 45 45 League with all rights and responsibilities.
(Article III of the League Constitution)
League Members may stay informed of potential rules
changes by watching this page. Prior to voting results being
displayed here, members may make their comments known by notifying
any Steering Committee member, who may choose to forward your
comments to the Steering Committee. The Committee members will not
disclose any details of the Committee discussions.
Item 1 T40 Tournament Parameters -
Item 2 Automation to assist in player
availability - Not approved
Item 3 Proposal to create League Ratings (based on T45 games only)
to use as Fixed Ratings - Approved
Item 4 Proposed Qualifier tourney for new players as a means of
cutting down on forfeits
Item 5 Report from the Test Subcommittee on Computer Use Detection.
Item 6 Open higher boards for absent players.
- Not Approved
Item 7 Discussion of Forfeit Rates - 3
measures Approved
Item 8 Proposed change in Tiebreaks;
addition of Buchholz or Solkoff - Tabled
Item 9 - Proposed addition of RR +3 - Tabled
Item 10 - Editorial Revisions per previous items
Item 1. T40 tournament parameters -
Submitted by the Chief TD: 12/01/2008
Time Control: 45 45
Sections: 6 (U2200, U2000, U1800, U1600, U1400, U1200)
Rounds: 6 - (possibly 7) followed by Playoffs
Team entries accepted: January 6 to January 20, 2009.
Team Entry Deadline: January 20, 2009.
Ratings "fixed" Date: Dec 24
(Some ratings may be adjusted by the Entry Clerk)
Round 1 Posted: 22:00 January 27, 2009.
Three rounds of playoffs will end April 7, 2009
Count of team RR reductions (if any) precedes board removal
Tiebreak board removal rules start with board 4 this tournament
APPROVED: 11 yes, 0 no; Dec 17, 2008
Item 2. Proposal to automate
player-to-captain communication regarding availability
Submitted by SC Member Dec 2, 2008
Problem: The occasional recalcitrant captain who ignores
his players' stated availabilities. Predicting that the
captain will not own up to his own error, the player feels forced to
play to avoid the RRR.
Proposed: Automated facility to prevent assignment of unavailable
players. Each week, each player would go in and click
"available" for the next round. If he doesn't, he can't be inserted
in the lineup. Now, the default setting should be "unavailable",
forcing each player to consciously make himself available. And, if
the player is unavailable, then the system would not allow a Captain
to put him in the lineup for that round. We could also include a
"select all" a player who knows he'll be available every
round will be able to click it and be done with it. Then, if he
needs to, he can go back in the forum at a later date and make
himself unavailable for a particular round if something in real life
comes up.
NOT passed. 5 yes, 6 no; Dec 6 2008
Item 3.
Proposed adoption of league ratings as the basis for fixed
Submitted by Entry Clerk Dec 4, 2008
Problem: Fixed ratings are based on ICC standard rating
performance only, standard ratings that include many non-league
games. As a consequence, the player’ standard rating may be
considerably lower than his expected or actual performance in league
play. The standard rating is subject to manipulation, deliberate or
unintended. Presently we try to dampen some of the effects of
typical swings in rating by taking a 50-day average for a fixed
Solution: Base ratings on performance in league games only. A
program to do this has been developed by Fledermaus. Most league
ratings would follow fairly closely the standard rating. The
immediate advantages are less sandbagging (ratings too low), since
outside influences are nullified, and higher ratings for the
consistent winners, who will find their league ratings running
higher than their ICC standard.
Practical details. From the perspective of the Entry Clerk:
- The Entry Clerk should still have the authority to modify
fixed ratings based on other factors, but it is expected there
will be far fewer such exceptions.
- The league rating calculation is based on an entire
tourney’s games. Ideally we would wait until all games have been
played. As a practical matter, we may want to calculate after
round 2 of the playoffs for most Fixed Ratings, and use the
entire tourney for the ongoing calculations into the next
- The decision on what period to count for league ratings may
have a bearing on the scheduled start time of the next
- It has been suggested that the higher of League or 50-day
average be used for fixed ratings. I believe this would defeat
the purpose of the league rating. The idea of a league rating is
that if you play worse than your standard rating, perhaps due to
superior play by your opponents, your rating should fall, and if
you play better that your rating should rise. Or to put it
differently, the standard rating becomes no more of a factor
than a 15-minute or blitz rating would.
Necessary changes. Changes to section 4.E ii, and iii will be
APPROVED: 11 YES, 0 No; Dec 10, 2008
Item 3.b Will League Ratings begin in T40 or T41?
Do we want to implement new League ratings in some manner for T40
or do we want to work on it and have available for T41? Please keep
in mind the impact this may have on agenda item #1 which has been
tabled, concerning our dates for fixed ratings and if T40 would be
able to start as scheduled.
A. T40 implementation
B. T41 implementation
Vote: 7 A., 3 B., and 1 abstention. Dec 14, 2008
Item 4. Proposed Qualifier tourney for new
players as a means of cutting down on forfeits.
Problem. The number of forfeits among new players is half again
as great as among experienced league players. A check near the end
of round 4 showed a forfeit rate of about 7.5 percent among league
players, and over 13 percent among new players (all those with RR of
0 or less, for whatever reason). Although there are many reasons for
the extra forfeits, it seems that leading reasons are (1)
insufficient appreciation for the time commitments needed, week
after week, (2) unfamiliarity with the scheduling requirements, and
(3) failure, for whatever reasons, to show up on time for the games.
There were 165 forfeits through round 6. 107 for No Show, 47 for
No Contact, 7 for Greater Blame, and 4 for Captain Error.
Solution. One way to try to improve the overall forfeit rate in
our main event is to put the new players, and perhaps those
returning from –2 RR suspensions, through a Qualifying tourney. In
this Qualifier they would be expected to schedule and play a certain
number of games. In those games, they would learn how to schedule
the games, learn if they can really afford the time it takes out of
a week to play a long game, establish their reliability, and get a
start on establishing a league rating, The approach would be less
formal, The TD for the Qualifier might be the one to assign players
to teams and supervise the scheduling and playing.
Following is the outline suggested by rgadoury, Entry Clerk
Section 3.E (new) Qualifier tournaments.
- The Qualifier tournaments provide new players with a
unique way to demonstrate their ability to conform to the needs
and requirements of Team 45 45 League. The time commitment, the
need to schedule with someone who may be as much as 12 hours
different from them, the unpleasant surprise of disconnections
and erratic internet service, the scheduling requirements of
Section 10 that are specific and exact, and the requirement and
ability to show up on time for their agreed games are all
matters that most new players struggle with. Forfeits in
particular have shown to be twice as frequent as among the
league veterans. The Qualifier is the testing zone.
- The reward.
- Once a player has completed three rounds of play
successfully, he becomes eligible for the current or next
- The Qualifier is a faster way to get back to the
“majors” after a series of unfortunate forfeits that
resulted in a suspension.
- The schedule.
- There will be four rounds of play in each
- It will be team format, usually by playing four of
the six rounds as in a 6-team division.
- The schedule is not tied down to the “Majors”
schedule, but may run concurrently with it.
- All teams form divisions within the “Qualifier
Section”; divisions may have ratings grouping different from
the Majors.
- There is one week for each round, no adjournment
week, except Christmas holiday week, as in the Majors.
- The Entry Clerk shall devise team and division
structure to achieve fairly even pairings at each board.
- The rules:
- Players are required to participate in at least
three of the four rounds, or will be required to play in the
next qualifier to reach their three-game eligibility for the
- Players must give advance notice to their captain
or league designated contact if they cannot play a round.
- Substitution of players will be allowed, as new
players join the league to establish themselves for “majors”
play, and to fill any vacant boards.
- All procedures, especially the game forums, that
are used in the Majors shall be used in the Qualifier.
- Each “division” shall have one TD who will also
act as the team captain for every team in the division and
rule on any disputes. He may appoint deputies on each team.
His word is law!
- The Qualifier may have a Spanish speaking
assistant to the Entry Clerk.
Item 5. Report from the Test Subcommittee on
Computer Use Detection.
A subcommittee of the Steering Committee has
been investigating various measures that the league might take
detecting cheating, especially computer use. Extensive testing
has been ongoing. They will report to the full Steering
Committee soon.
Item 6. Open higher boards for absent
Submitted by rgadoury
Problem. In earlier discussions on Item 2, comment was made about
the captains’ reluctance to submit fewer than four boards, with the
requirement that the open board must be at board 4. This constitutes
double jeopardy, the set game loss at board 4, and weaker
competition at the higher boards
Solution. A suggestion was made that higher boards could be left
open instead. For example, if the top player is going to be absent
for the week and unable to play, the team would be allowed to take
their set game loss at board 1, and play whatever players they want
to at boards 2-4. It might reduce “captain error” and deliberately
posting players who are not available and have said so.
Proposal. Reset programming so any board can be left open when
one or more of the top four players on the team must be absent.
NOT Approved: 8 no, 1 yes, and 2 abstentions. Dec
22, 2008
Item 7. Discussion of Forfeit Rates
Submitted by an SC member
The Steering Committee is asked to examine forfeit rates and
to brainstorm ideas to increase the rate of played games. In
T39, there were 165 forfeits through round 6.
107 for No Show,
47 for No Contact,
- 7 for Greater Blame in failure to schedule the game,
- 4 for Captain Error.
- See below for stats sorted by Reliability
In order to enjoy league play, we depend on our opponents to
schedule and to show up to play the game. The nature of internet
play means that there will always be some unavoidable forfeits.
That's why we have the RR system. But can we reduce the rate of
forfeits? Who is forfeiting? Why are they forfeiting? Are there
further measures we can take to assist players in avoiding forfeits,
while protecting their opponents from inordinate disruption? The
Steering Committee is asked to examine the situation and to
brainstorm ideas to increase the rate of played games in each
category, especially No-shows and No-contacts. Some ideas to consider,
just for starters:
- Why so many no-shows?
- Are players forgetting when their games are?
- Captains should send reminders.
- Should TDs or programming also send reminders?
- What else can we do?
- Why the no-contacts?
- Are captains not helping their players? Recruiting
players without making sure they know what they're getting
in to?
- Do we need different requirements for captaining?
- Is there anything the League can do?
- New players forfeit at a higher rate than experienced
leaguers. They either don't know the procedures, or sign
up without the level of dedication that this type of event
- If a new player forfeits his first game (or any game in
his first tourney), should we forbid their entry into
further rounds, unless they communicate to the Entry Clerk
that they're ready?
- Should we redesign any of the League documents?
- Should new players be required to jump through extra
hoops (quiz on procedures, Qualifier League, other?) in
order gain entry to the league?
- Other?
Forfeit statistics by
starting RR category, T39 Rounds 1-8 (as of afternoon of Dec 15)
Players who began T39 with +2 RR:
287 players played,
57 forfeits... 43 had one forfeit, 7 had two forfeits.
of the +2’s had forfeits,
+2’s had 33.9% of the 168 forfeits
Players who began T39 with +1 RR:
130 played,
39 forfeits.... 23 had one forfeit, 5 had two forfeits, 2
had three forfeits
of the +1’s had forfeits
+1’s had 23.2% of the 168 forfeits.
Players who began T39 with 0 RR:
134 played,
23 had one forfeit, 16 had two forfeits and suspension, 2
banned for cheating,
of the 0’s had forfeits,
0’s had 26.8% of the 168 forfeits
Players who began T39 with -1 RR:
22 played, 11 had a forfeit and were suspended.
of the –1’s had forfeits.
Combined statistics:
156 –1 and 0 RR players accounted for 72 forfeits.
417 +1 and +2 RR players accounted for 96 forfeits
27.2% of the membership (0 and –1) accounted for 42.8% of
the forfeits
72.8% of the membership (+1 and +2) accounted for 57.2% of
the forfeits.
The following suggestions resulted from a survey of captains, and
from the SC discussion:
- Keep'm out longer: Longer Suspensions upon reaching -2 (current
duration is 1 tourney). APPROVED
- Get'm out sooner: Upon FIRST forfeit (all players execpt RR+2), NOT
eligible to be in lineup unless personally contacts the EC.
- Get rid of'm completely: Permanent ban upon second -2. NOT
- Captains: Add requirements for captaining (currently none, perhaps
must be +1?). NOT approved
- Reminders: Either a tell when logging on ("your next League game is
in 3 days, at 22:30 ICC time"), and/or messages/emails sent 24 hours
and 2 hours prior to game time. +2's could opt out.
- Qualifier event: Mandatory 3-game practice event for league
newbies. NOT approved
Vote, Jan 4, 2009:
Part 1: APPROVED - 8 yes, 2
no. <Longer suspensions>
Part 2: APPROVED FOR T41 - 5 yes, 4 no, 1
abstention. <Forfeit requires player to contact EC>
Part 3: NOT approved - 8 no, 2 yes.
Part 4: NOT approved - 6 no, 1 yes, 3 abstentions.
Part 5: APPROVED - 5 yes, 4 no, 1
abstention. <Reminders>
Part 6: NOT approved - 8 no, 1 yes, 1 abstention.
Item 7, Part 7. Proposed Change to Conceded games
Submitted by an SC member
I don't know how many forfeits were "Conceded" Games. I also
observed numerous games that could have been "Conceded" if that rule
was better understood by our membership. I suggest that "Conceded"
games be scored as a "Set Game" instead of a forfeit to help people
deal with conflicts that force them into making priority choices
than often lead to forfeit. Yes, a Played Game is always better than
a conceded game but both are better than an actual forfeit (with an
offended party).
Item #7, part 7 has not passed by a vote of 5 no, 4 yes, 1
abstain. Jan 10, 2009
Item 8. Tiebreaks: proposal to replace
board removal with Buchholz (FIDE) or Solkoff (USCF).
Submitted by an SC member
I am hoping here we can introduce a new tiebreak method, and get
rid of the 'board removal' thingie we have to deal with on a
tourney-by-tourney basis. As far as I have heard, nobody likes board
removal to determine things....and it happens far too frequently.
So, we must come up with a new tiebreak method. Currently, we have 5
tiebreak 'steps', 4 of which should stay the same:
#1: GP's
#2: Head-to-head MP's
#3: Head-to-head GP's
#4: Fewest RR reductions
All of these are good; we should leave these alone. The new
substitution tiebreak as #5, instead of a board removal, would
#5: Buchholz (FIDE) or Solkoff (USCF). These are based on sum
of opponent's scores. The higher Buchholz score would move on if
steps 1-4 don't produce a clear 'winner.' This Buchholz method
is also used in the Sunday 45-5 to determine a winner....for
those of you who play in that tourney. For anyone who wants more
info on this tiebreak system (or any other), here's a page to
I don't know how long it would take to set up, but I'd imagine
T42 would be a good target. This would give enough time for
proper testing, too. Something else I've noticed, too: our
tiebreaks 1-4 don't really break that many ties; board removal
comes into play far too often. Therefore, I'm submitting this
for SC discussion and vote for implementation asap.....
Item 9. Proposed addition of a RR level of RR+3
Submitted by rgadoury
Proposed: that players with three or more tourneys in succession
with no forfeits could move to RR of +3. There would still be a
three team limit, but the odd forfeit would not cost the player a
team, as the player would be at +2 and still be able to be on three
teams. That is a bonus for the reliable players.
Item 10. Editorial Revisions of Statutes, per previous
items in this SC
Posted Jan 19, 2009
Under our editorial revision policy, unless a SC member wishes
to bring it up for further debate, these changes will be
incorporated into the Statutes in one week.
Per Item 3, establishing League Ratings:
1.A.ix OLD : Fixed Rating - A player's standard rating at the
time they are officially entered into a tournament.
1.A.ix NEW : Fixed Rating (FR) - A player's League Rating,
assigned by the Entry Clerk, and used for calculating team
average. ¶ SC 39-40
Addition of 1.A.xxxii League Rating (LR) - A rating based on
a member's performance in T45L. ¶ SC 39-40
4.E.ii OLD
The current ratings for all present and former league members
will be collected daily from the Round 1 Pairing Posting
Deadline through Playoff Round 1 Pairing Posting Deadline. The
computed average-daily-rating shall be the player’s Fixed Rating
for the next tournament. Fixed ratings for new players and those
returning from older tourneys will be determined by the Entry
Clerk, utilizing data collected once they complete a profile.
4.E.ii NEW
Fixed Ratings shall be based on League Ratings. League Ratings
will generally be the ending League Rating from the player's
last tournament, but may be adjusted based on other data. Fixed
ratings for new players and those returning from older tourneys
will be determined by the Entry Clerk after a profile is
completed. ¶SC39-40
Per Item 7, part 1, lengthening suspension times:
Under our editorial revision policy, unless a SC member wishes
to bring it up for further debate, these changes will be
incorporated into the Statutes in one week.
Statute 17.A.i. a and c OLD:
Multiple RR reductions can result in a suspension from league
play. One RR Point is deducted for each forfeit; at "-2" RR a player
is suspended from the remainder of the present tourney and all of
the next.
a. A player who receives another forfeit suspension within four
tourneys after being reinstated from the previous suspension shall
be suspended from league play for four complete tourneys. ¶
SC 36-37
Statute 17.A.i. a and c NEW:
c. Multiple RR reductions can result in a suspension from league
play. One RR Point is deducted for each forfeit; at "-2" RR a player
is suspended from the remainder of the present tourney and all of
the next two tournaments.
A player who receives another forfeit suspension within four
tourneys after being reinstated from the previous suspension shall
be suspended from league play for four complete tourneys. ¶
SC 36-37
Per Item 7, part 2, establishing required player action after
first forfeit
Under our editorial revision policy, unless a SC member wishes
to bring it up for further debate, these changes will be
incorporated into the Statutes in one week.
Addition to Statute 8 - Board Assignment, which would then
A. Team captains will now post their board assignments
directly to the page no later than
Tuesday at 22:00 ICC server time. If a team roster is changed
after posting board assignments, it is the captain's
responsibility to resubmit revised board assignments before the
pairing posting deadline. Any player in a lineup who is no
longer on the roster will either play the game (if eligible) or
have their game ruled a set game loss. ¶ SC 27-28
B. If the Team Captain fails to submit a Board Assignment
list for a given round, it will be assumed that the Team will
play their top four players, which shall be known as the Default
Board Assignment. At the TD's discretion, a Team Captain may
submit an alternative Default Board Assignment list which may be
used if the Team Captain fails to submit another for a given
C. Players who forfeit
(except those at RR +2) must be withheld from subsequent Board
Assignments until they personally contact the Entry Clerk
requesting admission. ¶ SC 38-40
D. Once publicly posted, the pairings should not be changed.
¶ SC25-26
Previous SC Agendas: