Team 45 45 League

Team 45 45 League

Serious Chess and Team Spirit on the ICC
ChessJunior's Wall

Reflections of a Fine Young Man

Quotes from ChessJunior's Room found by his Mother

ChessJunior so epitomized many ideals of our league,
 that we are pleased that his mother shared with us
 these notes that remained attached to his wall after his passing.

refusing a game of chess with kids,
is like refusing a smile.

wished i had long arms & legs,
i would had played for Seniorcitizen in his basketball team. lol

one day,
Siddhu & I will have our own ice cream store.

I had never laughted more than in channel 345 mom.
Those guys there, like Bv, rgadoury, fpawn, gomer, & much more,
they are so funny when they start to play with words.
I'm crammmmmmmmmped. wish i could talk like those.

Something is missing in Gameforum. no....not smarties but smiley's.
Smarties are for the victories & smiley's are for the fun of smiling.
(hehe I really like this one. I should send it to Sandia.)

Ray do not speaks much. silence is gold.
I like him

No mom, Sandia is not a girl. He is team 45 - 45 best programmers.
Don't you remind, he invited you a few months ago for a bottle of wine in his cave...
You even spoke on the channel.

i saw a movie about the boss of mafia al capone.
they were wrong. it is rgadoury. :)

I love you so much mom.

Gandalf is a magician name.
He sent me a music file for the website & I really like his music.

I think SeniorCitizen is really a great grandfather for me.
Well, he would not had beaten my real grandfather in chess.
But my real grandfather would had never been able to
captain a team like SeniorCitizen does.

Mom, if I ever died before you do,
remind me please not to forget to bring my censor list from icc with me.
Then i will be sure to have no problem up there.

it was really painful to play this game.
But i would prefer to die then not playing it.

Slam and Dunk are realllllllllllllly nice doggggggggs
and BV and Gomer have dogs too.

i would like a dogggggggggggggg please

my 5 rules of conduct of players:

first, never underestimate your opponent.
second, always be courteous.
third, be there at the time you said.
fourth, you must have fun playing.
fifth, never give or accept takeback.

I'm so happy to see colours now. wowwwwwwww that is so nice.
look at those chess pieces  mom !!!

i'm writing all of those notes for the fun of writing all of those notes.

fpawn is like an angel.
when he speaks to me, his big wings enveloped me.
When he talks with me about chess, i can see his eyes shining.
and you know, i understand everything that he says.
i meant, i can explain the why's and why's not of a position.
I just need to grow up a bit to be like him
& have the joy to teach to others.

SeniorCitizen is not only captain of a team,
he is the star that shine in the sky
when the pawnshop team goes away from the target.

i always played my games like if it was the last one.
And even if it was the last one,
i would have fun doing all of those patterns on the board.

my teacher asked me the other day.
What do you find so funny to be looking at the chessboard for hours?
Me ?? I don't find that funny Sir, the pieces does...
(almost got grounded that time when Mom saw the notes lolllllllllllllll)

chess is an art. I take a piece of earth,
I put men on it, then I water the whole thing with ideas.

lower ratings games are more fun to watch.
I meant for me. I never know what to expect
and sometimes, a nice flower could grow up right in the middle of the board. lol

the best handle name on icc is AVEMARIA.

I can't wait to be a big boy. I would like to be on the steering commitee,
on the rules commitee or on the coopa too.
Anywhere, but be in the league. I know i can do it. And I will.

my list of projects:

start building my web radio by easter
be an helper on icc
studying the dutch openin like my friend f5...he is so good with it
give more chess lessons to mom (you're getting better mom, a lot)
helping siddhu with his french
working harder at school so i can jump a year....yeeeeeeeeeeeee
going to bed earlier because sometimes i'm reallyyyyyyyyy tired.
find the problem for the sound on pawnshop site
tell sandiacaveman to put smileys on game forum if he can.
make a nice page on the website just for the volunteers. they are so great.
win the ultimate prize. The champions of our section.
talk to Jason at school. help him with his maths.
i wantttttttttttt a dog. a biggggggggggggg one. i will call him lazarus :)

I'm not so mad about this drunk driver.
Well, just a little bit because I because I had missed of few Pawnshop games.
it is like in chess. you make mistakes then you start learning from them.
(i know you are mad about him mom, but don't remove this one please.
leave it on the wall please. I do a clean up later.)

i know mom i have to take all those pills. I'm tired of it,
put them in the garbage and bring me my chessboard please.
pain will go away automatically.
(that message is for you to read mom. notice that it is a lot biggerrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

I would really like to be a postman later. So, i can meet allllllllll of the dogs.

i'm so happy to had received seniorcitizen gift, fritz.
i called that software captain's fritz !!

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