Team 45 45 League

Team 45 45 League

Serious Chess and Team Spirit on the ICC
TD Handbook for SecTD's and dTD's

Should you volunteer as a TD? - You get to help keep your League running!  Please volunteer if you are an experienced leaguer, preferably as captain (or assistant), are at least 16 years old, have time to check a few extra forums daily, and have a respect for consistent application of rules.  You should be familiar with the rules for scheduling and playing the game.  But you don't have to have perfect knowledge if you are willing to look up what you don't know and ask for help when needed. 

To volunteer, update your profile, saying "yes" to the TD question.  Not everyone who volunteers will be selected, because it takes some juggling to avoid assigning TD's to sections where they are playing.  Thank you for volunteering!

Have you been selected as a TD? -  You'll do fine!  You also play in the league, and probably have formed many associations. However, you were asked to volunteer because it was believed that you could handle the challenge, maintaining impartiality.  Don't forget that you are part of a TD TEAM.  You have supervisors to help you.

1.  League Staff to Help You 5.  Rulings - Types of Issues
2.  Weekly Duties 6.  Ruling on Games not Played
3.  Post Game Times, PGN's, Results 7.  Penalties - Steps to follow
4.  Making Rulings - Introduction 8.  Other ways to help

1 - Leadership structure of Team 45 45 League

Steering Committee - Steers the direction of the league, and establishes rules.
Chief Tournament Director and Assistant: DaveTheRook, Rgadoury
Oversight Committee - Hears appeals to any actions of the TD staff
Chair and Deputy Chair: Kingofknights, charles-allen.
 Entry Clerk - Fixed Ratings, team entries, lineups, pairings, standings, game results, procedures:
rgadoury, tsia68
Supervisor of TD's -
chesskix, rgadoury. tsia68:
General Questions - Not sure whom to contact? Start here.
rgadoury, tsia68:
Section TDSection TD
d TDd TDd TDd TDd TDd TD

What is the role of the various persons who help run the League?

dTD (division TD):  is the primary caretaker of one Division, with ideally just a few teams to watch over.  You are also the first contact person for the captains in your division.  You will watch the forums in your division, encourage action when needed, and make rulings if games don't get played.  Do not go off on your own if anything is afar from the routine.  Remain in close communication with your SecTD.  Do not hesitate to consult him for advice. He is there to help you.

SecTD (Section TD):  is an experienced TD who supervises a Section (which may contain several divisions).  For example, the Galactic (U1200) Section TD supervises the dTD's for Messier, Nebula, etc. divisions.  The SecTD trains each of the dTDs in the Section as needed, and steps in to act if necessary, with the goal of ensuring consistent application of League rules among the various divisions.  Don't hesitate to ask the supervisor of TDs for advice.

Various Titles, such as Chief TD, Entry Clerk, Supervisor of TD's, Supervisor of Group Operators, Secretary:  manage the day-to-day affairs of the League, including lineups, pairings, writing of the handbooks, and supervision of the SecTD's and dTD's.  The SecTD's should alert the Supervisor of TD's of any impending problems.

Chief TD:  charged by the Steering Committee to run the league.  The TD's are part of his staff.

OC (Oversight Committee):  sits during each tournament to hear appeals for that event.  If players think that the TD staff has not correctly applied the rules (statutes, handbooks, and other documents) of the League, they may appeal in a timely manner to the OC.

SC (Steering Committee):   ultimate governing body of the League, and writes the statutes.  If you would like to see a change in the rules, or even a slight rewording to make them more clear, speak with the Questions or ChiefTD, who can help you proceed.

Mail Forwarder addresses for sending mail sent to TDs

Mail to captains. There is presently no way for TDs to send mail directly to captains. If you feel you do need to contact a captain, send him a message. If you can't, send a note to SuperTD asking it be forwarded. Such matters are usually complex, so some senior oversight may be warranted.

Other languages. English is the official language of Team 45 45 League. All communications in forums and emails should be conducted in english. If someone makes a post in another language, make a post, in english, reminding the person that posting in english is required and ask them to provide a translation. Don't try to translate the post yourself.


Note.—FAQ 38 Game not scheduled – How TDs rule should be required reading for all players, captains, and TDs before anyone starts to schedule a game. FAQ 38 was written to give clarity and understanding to how the rules for scheduling were written, how TDs are going to interpret those rules when they must rule on a “game not scheduled”, and how all players and captains should see their roles in this process.

2 -  A Week from the Perspective of a TD.

The dTD and SecTD responsibilities for each round begin the moment the Conference Director activates the board lineups in the Game Forum (The Entry Clerk, not the dTD, manages any issues with board lineups).  Visit each game in the Game Forum often (at least once daily if at all possible), watching for each step below:

The SecTD and dTD will carefully watch all of the events of the round. ICC
  1. Board Lineups Submitted (Captains).
  2. Pairings are Posted on the Website (Entry Clerk).
  3. Begin Making Offers (Players).
  1. Agreed Game Time posted to the Automation.
  2. PGN scores posted to Game Forum as soon as games are finished (Automated), or using Get Played Game button if needed.
  3. Results updated on website.
  1. First Offer Deadline.  TD posts consequences for missing this deadline where needed.  Statute 10.D.i
  1. Offer-or-Forfeit Deadline.  TD posts consequences for missing this deadline where needed.  Statute 10.D.ii
  1. Game Completion Deadline.  Statute 10.E
  2. Adjourned Game Completion Deadline from previous round.
  1. Forfeits Declared (SecTD sends to Entry Clerk)
  2. Behavior Cards recommended if needed (SecTD sends to Chief TD).

3 - Posting Agreed Game Times, PGN's, and Game Results

Usually, all goes well, and you don't need to step into these three routine matters.  However, please watch each forum to make sure that the agreed game time gets posted, the PGN gets collected, and that the proper game result gets posted:

Post Agreed Game Time - As soon as a game time has been offered and accepted, it should be posted as an Agreed Game time. [Note.--An agreed time is a specific hour and minute, not a range of times.] One of the players or captains should do this.  But if they don't, the bot won't know to collect the pgn, so you may have to do it.  A posted agreed game time is not a ruling or a commitment, just an aid to tell the bot when to go to ICC to get the game.  If there is a discrepancy between a posted game time and the discussion in the forum, the discussion takes precedence.

Get Played Game  (item #4 in the above chart) - As games are completed, a bot normally posts the pgn into the game forum.  If for some reason this does not happen the TD should go to the Game Forum and click on the Get Played Game button in order to post the PGN, and to put the result in the database.  This only works if the game is still in one of player's recent history, so should be done as soon as possible.

Post Results if there is no PGN -  You did not get to see this button before you became a TD!  ;-)   If the game does not get played, or if there is some other irregularity such that the PGN does not succeed in posting the correct result, the TD needs to use the Post Results button.  Select the appropriate result from the pull-down menu, then click “Update.”   Then post a statement in the Game Forum, indicting the Game Result that you just submitted.

Caution: if the players played with the wrong colors, the pgn score will show the winner, but the wrong player will be shown with the win! Correct the error by posting the correct 1:0 or 0:1 score.

Game Score Codes:

1 A WIN on the board
0 A LOSS on the board
½ A DRAW on the board
=:= SET GAME DRAW   (GM Draw, Game not played)
i SET GAME WIN     (allowed only in certain circumstances specified by statute)
o SET GAME LOSS  (allowed only in certain circumstances specified by statute)

Whether the score is submitted via the Get Played Game button (if there is a valid PGN) or via the Post Results button (if there is no PGN, such as a forfeit), upon the next website update (which might be either minutes or a half-day away) you should see the correct game score on the website.  Please check the Pairings and Results Page frequently, verifying that the correct results of your division have been posted. 

Changes to forfeit and set game formats - When you post forfeit (+:-) or set game (i:o) you will see two new features:

Forfeit (+:-) When you post this you will see a No RRR box. Check the box only if the forfeit is a conceded game for which the SecTD is going to recommend no reduction in the RR. Otherwise leave blank. Ignore the Captain Error line (see below). "Update" activates the codes.

Set game (i:o) When you post this you will see a captain error box. If you are applying set game to the player  because there is actually a forfeit being charged for Captain Error check off the appropriate captain box. Otherwise leave blank. "Update" activates the codes.

The Captain Error actually works both ways. If you show forfeit and check Captain Error box and name, set game will be charged to the player and a forfeit to the designated captain. Double check this after updating.




4 - Rulings - Introduction

You will need to rule in cases of no-offers, no-show, and when the game couldn't be scheduled.   You will rule when there's a rule to enforce, by referring to the bylaws.  As representatives of the League, it is necessary that you enforce all League rules consistently and fairly, and abide by the rules as they are written, not as you would like them to be.

When the bylaws are unclear, attempt to resolve the matter with thoughtfulness and communication.  Ask to hear from both captains.  Consider not only what is fair for this game, but also the precedent you may be setting for other games in the section and in the tourney.  This is when it is particularly important to consult with your SecTd, who may even consult with the Supervisor of TDs.  Remain as neutral, calm, and positive as possible.

Where are the rules that you are to apply? - The term "Bylaws" refers to the whole group of rules for operating the league.  Usually, you'll find what you need in the Statutes and Handbooks.  In the case of discrepancy, the Statutes are a higher authority, next comes handbooks, then "other documents" such as FAQ's, mailings, or Announcements.  Also, to stay up-to-date on potential changes to the Statutes, you should watch the Steering Committee Agenda.  When you are unsure of the applicable Statute, or how it applies to the current situation, ask your SecTD.

When you find you have to make a ruling, make a judgment based on the bylaws and any advice offered by your SecTD.  Follow these steps:

  1. Ask your SecTD to help you write a thorough ruling that will explain your reasoning in case the ruling is appealed to the Oversight Committee.
  2. Summarize the pertinent facts as they have been presented to you;
  3. Cite the applicable Statutes (and other bylaws if they shed light);
  4. If is is a simple no-offer or no-show, announce the ruling, and post the result.
  5. If (and only if) the ruling involved any TD judgment call, announce your ruling.  Give both teams 24 hours to post reasons they consider the ruling to be either correct, or incorrect, so that the OC will have the this information in the forum should the ruling be appealed.
  6. Inform the Entry Clerk (forfeits) or the Chief TD (behavior) about your rulings.

Please take note: Failure to schedule a game is the only forfeit ruling that can be appealed to the OC. You must take extra care that the presentation of the facts supports your decision. Give both teams 24 hours to offer reasons they consider the ruling to be in error or supported, so that the OC will have the full forum available to them should the resulting RR reduction be appealed.

Examples of dTD Game Forum posts:

  • Two days have passed without any communication on this game.  Just a friendly reminder that the offer deadline is tomorrow (Friday) at 22:00 ICC time.
  • It is now Player X's turn to respond, either accepting one of the offered times, or suggesting at least 3 alternatives.
  • Player X, are any of the remaining offers acceptable?
  • All T4545L scheduling is to be done using this forum, not server tells.
  • To minimize this confusion, please speak in terms of server times only.
  • Please stick to the facts in these Game Forum posts.
  • This game is ruled a forfeit win in favor of black, (no-show by white).  - : + 
  • This game is ruled a forfeit game in favor of black. (lesser blame in scheduling)  - : +
  • Does either captain have any further information or comments on this matter?
  • If you have reason to show that this decision is not correct according to the rules, you may appeal within 48 hours by e-mailing the chair of the Oversight Committee,

Avoid Posts With

  • Avoid disclosing personal information about players. For example, if you discover that a player is a child, or discover a player's name or gender, or other personal info, do not spread that knowledge.  It is strongly preferable to refer to players using their handles, not names.
  • Avoid behavior issues not already known to all those with access to that forum, or that might be further inflamed by your post. Ask the Supervisor of TDs how to communicate on these issues.
  • Avoid mentioning previous penalties.  Treat these as confidential.
  • Avoid long, grammatically complex sentences, college level vocabulary, or idioms that might not be widely known across age groups and cultures. Keep it simple.  Many of our players are very young, or have very limited English ability.
  • Avoid salutations to a group that assumes they are all male (e.g. "Gentlemen"). Contrary to common assumption, there are female chess players. Consider alternatives such as, "Leaguers"

5 - Rulings – Types of Problems

Six types of problems disrupt the orderly enjoyment of the league, and require your action: 

  1. Communication– Check to see who said what, and when, and how often to the opponent.   Evaluate the compliance with scheduling procedures and deadlines (see Statutes and Player Handbook).
    1. Statutes Section 10.C (Scheduling Instructions) give the guidelines for arranging a time to play a game. and the penalties if certain deadlines are not met. If a game does not get scheduled, refer to those instructions when determining greater or equal blame.
    2. First Offer Deadline - If only one player talked by the First Offer Deadline (Thursday, 22:00 ICC), the non-talking player now has partial blame assigned to him.   That player must now accept one of the offended player’s previously offered times, rather than being allowed to suggest times of his own.  Should he decline to do so, and the offended player has  not modified his offers, a forfeit win is awarded to the offended player. 
    3. If both players missed the first offer deadline, but then started negotiating in earnest, let them talk it out.  If they both missed the offer-or-forfeit deadline, they both forfeit.
    4. No Offers -- If a player still has not made a post with offers prior to the Offer-or-Forfeit Deadline (Friday, 22:00 ICC) full blame is immediately established, and a forfeit is to be.awarded.
  2. Unable to agree on a time to play - If the players began talking, promptly upon the posting of pairings, but could not agree on a time to play, you will have to look over the individual situation carefully.   Evaluate whether each player made valiant efforts to play the game by compromising.  If you do see such good faith efforts by both players, rule a set game draw.  But if you find that one player insisted on a very narrow window in which to play, or insisted on an adjournment that the other player could not accommodate, it is a forfeit in favor of the player with more availability to play during the week of the round.  Remember, you have the commitment section in the Players’ Handbook, and you have an offended party to look out for.
  3. No-Show  - The grace period for late arrivals to a scheduled game is 30 minutes.   More than 30 minutes late is a forfeit loss against the absent player, and rescheduling the game is not an option. The game is a loss, with a reduction in Reliability Rating.
  4. Problems in the Game - Problems in the game; (see Statutes, Section 11).  You will have to familiarize yourself with Section 11 of the Statutes, “Conduct of the Game.”  There are details pertaining to game parameters, and procedures outlined for frequent disconnections, and for games lost due to server shutdown.   Please read it.
  5. Behavior– Player conduct issues, such as making insulting remarks or accusations of cheating, are enforced under the Statutes (3.B and 3.D).  Common sense is your guide in applying these rules, and you should consult with the Supervisor of TDs, Entry Clerk, or Chief TD.

    Player conduct issues other than those that may have appeared in the forum in the course of scheduling the game should NOT be added to the forum. Report such issues to the Supervisor of TDs, Entry Clerk, or Chief TD in separate, non-forum, mail.

  6. Requests to Reschedule - Once a game time has been offered and accepted, it is considered binding on both players. However, a player may ask his opponent to reschedule the game, but both the request and the acceptance occur before the end of the 30-minute grace period. The opponent may either agree to the request or not, and is not expected to give a reason.  He might not even have noticed before arriving to play the game.
  7. Invalid Attempts to Reschedule - Sometimes, you'll see a player try to reschedule after no-showing (i.e. after the grace period), or try to schedule after having missed the second offer deadline. This is never allowed, no matter the extenuating circumstance. Players should be able to count on a planned game time.
  8. Remove agreed time while rescheduling -  If the players have agreed to reschedule, the TD shall remove the posted time. If rescheduling fails, the previous agreed time is the basis of a forfeit against the player who asked to reschedule. If a new time is agreed upon, that becomes the new official binding agreement.
  9. As evidenced in the game forum (reschedule)” and other places where deadlines may be crucial, the intent of the players to conform to the rules should be interpreted generously. For example, an empty post by the potentially offended player prior to the end of the grace period (13:29), a post a few minutes later (13:40) by the same player saying, “I was contacted by my opponent asking to reschedule and I agree”, and subsequently confirmed by the opponent, would be sufficient evidence that agreement had been reached before the deadline.
  10. Game not started with both players present at end of grace period - In the situation where both players are present at the end of the grace period you have the option of allowing the game to be played, or ruling a forfeit. The game should be allowed to start late (no specific time limit, but just a few minutes) if both players are willing. If there is trouble getting the game started, with one player more at fault, and the "offended" player does not want to play, you are justified in ruling a forfeit.
  11. Three questions that come up concerning the Thursday-Friday deadlines.

    •  What happens if the offending player has no games to choose from because the three required offers have expired? The offending player forfeits.
    • What happens if a player has to pick an opponent's time under the Thursday-Friday deadline rules and it is less than 24 hours to game time? - If a player accepts a valid offer that could have been voided due to the 24 hour rule but the game is played, the game counts. If the player who accepted the offer does not show up, he forfeits the game. If the player who made the initial offer does not show up, the forfeit is voided under the 24 hour rule. They continue scheduling with a remaining partial blame against the player who missed the first deadline.
    • Who should make the first offers after the TD nulls the forfeit? Either one. The TD should make a post telling both players to continue scheduling efforts, and that if an adjudication is needed those efforts will be a determining factor. The TD should make the call at the end based on the entire scheduling effort by both players (including partial blame).

6 - Rulings – Types of Rulings for Games Not Played

Almost any game that is not ruled set game draw, and is not played, is a forfeit with an automatic reduction in Reliability Rating. The forfeit is applied to the player who has greater or full blame, and/or to both players with full blame (double forfeit).  See Statutes Section 15 for details, such as exceptions for disconnections and captain error.

Forfeits vs. Set Games

Forfeit  If one player clearly holds full blame for the game not being played (e.g. no-offers or no-show), you would rule it a forfeit and award the game point to the non-offending player.

Double Forfeit.  If both players merit full blame, the game is a double forfeit.

Set Game Draw.  If both players show good faith efforts to schedule, but are unable to find an agreeable time to play, or if both players present minor difficulties not great enough for establishing different degrees of blame, you will rule a Set Game Draw.   The players will split the game point.

Pre-Agreed Set Game Draw - The statutes permit players to agree to a set game draw at any time before full blame is incurred for no offers, no show, concessions, or before the deadlines for adjudicated games. Once a draw offer has been accepted the TDs shall set the result (=:=). There is no need to wait for captain approval, as captain and player responsibilities are laid out in their respective handbooks.  

Summary of Rulings, based on degree of blame:

  • Blameless vs. Blameless: Game Set Draw  ( = : = )
  • Partial vs. Blameless: Forfeit in Favor of Blameless  ( - : + )
  • Partial vs. Partial: Set Game Draw  ( = : = )
  • Full vs. Blameless: Forfeit in Favor of Blameless  ( - : + )
  • Full vs. Partial: Forfeit in Favor of Partial  ( - : + )
  • Full vs. Full: Double Forfeit  ( - : - )

Exception to the automatic RR deduction for a ‘no-show’ forfeit.  Section 10.G.ii.c states that if a scheduled game is resigned or conceded at least 24 hours in advance, the SecTD may recommend no RR reduction.

The concession must be clear and unambiguous for the rule to be applied. If the player says “I resign” or “I concede,” without qualification or a request to reschedule, the TD shall call the forfeit as soon as possible.  To give players more time to make other plans, any member of the TD staff may post the conceded forfeit.

A post that includes a request to reschedule is not a concession unless the player puts a time limit on the request. If a player says, “I can’t make the game and would like to reschedule, but if there is no agreement to reschedule by <date,time>, I will concede the game,” the concession would be effective at the stated deadline.

The 24 hours is counted from the time of the actual ‘resign’ or ‘concede’ post, or at the time limit placed on the request to reschedule.

The rule would not be invoked if the secTD determines that the player has done something worthy of partial blame before the concession, or exhibited disruptive behavior as defined in 3.B. or 3.D during the posts.

Conceding a game not scheduled. The statutes allow for a conceded game once a game has been scheduled. Occasionally a player's circumstances change before a game can be scheduled. If the player has fulfilled initial scheduling requirements before the circumstances arise, the SecTD may, but is not required to, accept a concession and apply applicable policies.

The TD reports conceded games like this: “Player x forfeited his game by conceding more than 24 hours from game time. Under 10.G.ii.c I recommend the RR reduction not be applied.”   “Player x conceded his game more than 24 hours from game time; however, because of ‘partial blame in scheduling,’ ‘disruptive behavior under 3.B’, etc. I recommend that a no-show RR deduction be applied."  "Player x, after having complied with the offering requirements, provided reasonable compelling circumstances why he could not schedule his game. A forfeit is declared, but under 10.G.ii.c I recommend the RR reduction not be applied."

7 - Forfeits and Yellow Cards

Every forfeited game will result in a reduction in Reliability Rating (RR).  The Entry Clerk manages the RR's, using the SecTD's recommendations.   See next section for more detail.

Rulings – Steps when a Forfeit occurs:   When a forfeit occurs, the dTD’s should post something indicating that s/he has seen the forum, declare the forfeit, and then the SecTD should notify the Entry Clerk of the RRRR (Reliability Rating Reduction Recommendation). This insures that the situation has been reviewed by both the dTD and SecTD.

The following steps are guidelines to help you balance on one hand, prompt application of rules and prompt RRRR, with on the other hand, avoiding hasty actions stemming from not hearing all pertinent arguments.

  1. If the forfeit is a clear-cut no-offers or no-show, dTD posts the forfeit ruling in the forum asap and notifies his SecTD, who will review the forum and send the RRRR to the Entry Clerk.  Continue to monitor the forum.
  2. However, if there are factors that make the ruling a judgment call, or if the dTD has questions regarding the applicable by-laws, then the dTD consults with the SecTD before taking any action.  He may make an interim post, letting the players know that he is aware of the forum, and will post a ruling as soon as he is able.
    1. When the dTd and SecTD have come to a decision, one of them then posts it in the forum. 
    2. If it still seems that the matter could be open to judgment, add something like "Please let me know by Thurs 22:00 if you feel this ruling is in error".
    3. At the expiration of the deadline, dTD posts something like, "Having not been notified of any error in this ruling, this forfeit stands, and the Entry Clerk will be notified of the reduction in Reliability Rating.  If you have reason to believe that this ruling is not correct according to the rules, you can appeal by emailing the Chair of the Oversight Committee at within 48 hours of this post. "
  3. SecTD e-mails the penalty recommendations to the Entry Clerk.
  4. In all cases, continue to monitor the forum for a few days. For example, a captain might make a "my fault" post, or there might be other questions.  Try to keep your replies positive, aiming for how to avoid problems in future rounds.

Steps for Yellow (or Red) Cards for behavior violations  (item #12 in the above chart)

  1. dTD consults with the SecTD as to the best method to handle the matter.  Often all that is needed is forum post, asking all parties to stick to the purpose of the forum, including the text of statute 3.B and/or 3.D.  Any league official might make this post immediately upon seeing it, in order to put out the fire asap.
  2. So as to avoid enflaming the situation in the Game Forum, The SecTD or other officials might have a conversation with the player and/or their captains outside of the Game Forum.
  3. Because behavioral issues in one forum occasionally spill over into forums in other sections, alert the Supervisor of TDs that there an issue.
  4. The SecTD or another league official may tell the offenders something like, "Please let me know by Thurs 10 pm if there is a reason to not recommend a yellow card, based on Statute 3.B." 
  5. If the SecTD or other league official still feels a card is needed, he e-mails the penalty recommendations to the Chief TD.
  6. Watch for the Chief TD's e-mail containing the penalty card.
  7. In all cases, treat behavioral issues as confidential.  For example, if player A asks you to yellow-card player B, tell him only, "Thank you for alerting us to the situation.  We will take appropriate action."

Penalty Timeliness.  The TD staff must take the above steps promptly.
Statute 17.C clarifies when a suspension (-2 RR, or a red card) becomes effective:

17.C  The penalty imposed by the issuing of a Red Card shall take effect immediately following any round in which the offending player has already been declared as a player, even if the game for the round has not yet been arranged or played.  An Appeal against a Red Card must be lodged within 48 hours of the card being issued.  If the offending player is then selected for a subsequent round prior to the Appeal being heard and a game takes place, it shall be declared a forfeit win for the opponent in the event that the appeal is dismissed.

Because of the ramifications of this rule, the decisions by the dTD must be timely, and 24-hour deadline for the captain or player to point out any error in the ruling must be imposed and strictly enforced.

Recommending Reliability Rating Reductions for forfeits.  The SecTD sends the entry clerks a letter of recommendation for each forfeit.  Be sure to give the correct reason for the forfeit so that the entry clerk knows which template form letter to use and whether or not to offer appeal rights. Pure "no show" and "No offers" forfeits cannot be appealed. Greater Blame, Conceded Game, and Captain Error forfeits can be appealed to the Oversight Committee.

* "No show" is cited only when one (or both) players were absent for the entire grace period. No appeal.
* "No offers"  is only cited when a player was absent from the forum throughout the allotted offer period. No appeal.
* "Greater blame in a game not played" is used when both were present during the grace period but one had greater blame, determined by asking the players what happened. Appeal rights.
* Greater blame in a game not scheduled" is used when one player is more at fault in overall negotiations, or did not meet the requirements under the offer deadlines. Appeal rights.
* "Conceded game" - Letter of recommendation should include a statement of whether or not the RR reduction should be voided. Appeal rights.
* "Captain error" should state the actual reason for the forfeit, normally an admittance that the player should not have been in the lineup. In this case "no offers" can be cited as the official reason. If a different reason, simply state it. Appeal rights.
* When a ruling is set game draw for equal partial blame in the negotiations, there is actually an appeal right, but no letter is written. Therefore, a forum post must be made offering direct appeal to the OC "within 24 hours of this post."

The RRR letter writer. Current policy is that either entry clerk will write the RRR letters. Previously the Assistant Chief TD wrote the letters. As this is the highest level of review, care should be taken that the correct reason is given for the forfeit, so that the player knows what it is he can appeal  and so the OC knows how to approach any appeal. There are templates for each forfeit scenario, each with relevant statutes cited. Care must be taken to cite the correct statute in unusual situations.

8 - Make a presence in the League channel.

This is NOT a requirement for serving the league as a TD, but a way that you could further be of service if you have the time and inclination.  We encourage you to:

  1. Observe league games, especially those in the division/section you TD
  2. Be on the look out for questions in the league channel that you could answer. If you know the answer, don't be shy about speaking up.  Most questions are easy procedural concerns, such as "How long do I have to wait for my opponent?", or "When are lineups due?"

    However, be careful in phrasing your answer - give only general information.  Because you do not see the Game Forum in question, a more specific answer might not take into account information that you are unaware of.  Try not sounding like you are giving a ruling.

    For example, "If he's not here by 09:30, you get a forfeit win" might cause trouble if 09:00 was not really the agreed game time.  Instead, try something like, "If your opponent is not here at 30 minutes past the agreed time, he forfeits.  But wait until the autoforfeit posts it in the Game Forum."  Or copy pertinent text from the statutes or handbooks to paste into your tell as way of giving your answer.  When copying text out of context, consider also giving the player a link to the appropriate webpage that has the complete information.  

    Another great stock answer: "Post that question in your Game Forum.

  3. Request that inappropriate behavior stop. Call a server admin if it's severe (the command 'showadmin' on ICC will show which admins are on duty at the moment). But usually all that's needed is a polite "Let's keep the chat appropriate for a family friendly environment," or "Please don't kib, use the whisper command."
  4. Send any issues you observe up the chain of command (copy and paste the whole channel conversation or game console text into an e-mail to them). This might include irregularities in a game (e.g. kibs, takebacks, arguments, etc.), behavior issues, or questions you weren't sure of the answers to.


You are the eyes on your division or section, for the Chief TD. The dTD should diligently keep watch on the division, and the SecTD on each division in the section, with the goal of consistent enforcement of League procedures and rules. You will intervene in the Game Forum when necessary, such as when it appears that the players and/or captains are not handling it themselves, or when they request your involvement. 

Stay impartial and calm, think before you act, ask for help when needed, be firm but positive and diplomatic, stand by your decisions, (but if you have reason to believe you erred, do not hesitate to rectify the error by changing your ruling), and learn from your mistakes.  Apply the rules as written, not as you wish they were.  You can ask for rules changes for the next tournament by asking the Questions or Chief TD to present your ideas to the Steering Committee.

Thank you for helping the League tournament exist. 


♪ Major Revisions by A-Ru, BosqueVerde, and rgadoury, May  – June 2004. 
Latest revisions April 2015.

Sponsors: Prizes donated by ICC