Team 45 45 League
Serious Chess and Team Spirit on the ICC
T92 Oversight Committee
The purpose of the Oversight Committee is to provide adjudication of any disputes occurring during the specific Team 45 45 League Tournament for which it is seated and to serve as an Appellate Board in any decision made by the Tournament Director. Decisions are made in accordance with the Bylaws. Where no Bylaw exists, decisions are made in a manner consistent with the spirit and intent of the Bylaws. The Oversight Committee may recommend Bylaw changes or additions to the Steering Committee. (from Article IV of the League Constitution)
To submit an appeal, email the OC chairs.
Oversight Committee: Chair: KingofKnights Deputy Chair: cysk Members: fireball, ivanson, Portola DaveTheRook (non-voting, Chief TD)
Guidance Notes
(as at 01 October 2006)
The Constitution was created by the Permanent Members and Steering Committee and is as follows:
Article IV - Oversight Committee The purpose of the Oversight Committee is to provide adjudication of any disputes occurring during the specific Team 45 45 League Tournament for which it is seated and to serve as an Appellate Board in any decision made by the Tournament Director. Decisions are made in accordance with the Bylaws. Where no Bylaw exists, decisions are made in a manner consistent with the spirit and intent of the Bylaws. The Oversight Committee may recommend Bylaw changes or additions to the Steering Committee.
The Oversight Committee shall be seated for the duration of the event and shall be composed of a Chair, a Deputy Chair and seven other members who shall be volunteers from Team Captains and other experienced active league members. The Chief TD shall appoint the Chair and the Deputy Chair.
At the conclusion of the Tournament for which it is seated, after all results are in, and all adjudications are completed, the Oversight Committee shall be dissolved until the next Tournament.
The Oversight Committee shall establish its own administrative procedures for use while acting on its affairs.
- At the present time there is no defined Ethos of the League so for Oversight Committee business the following shall be the guide.
- The Team 45 45 League exists for the benefit of all members.
- The Steering Committee exists to introduce Statutes/Rules/Bylaws/Systems to make it easier for players to arrange their games and compete in a controlled and friendly manner.
- dTds and secTds are there to supervise and assist the players to enjoy the experience and to recommend disciplinary action as appropriate.
- The Tournament Director and Assistant Tournament Director, amongst many other functions, are there to make sure that any action recommended by the dTds/secTds is in accordance with the Statutes/Rules/Bylaws and that they have done everything possible to assist the players prior to recommending any disciplinary action.
- The Oversight Committee, upon receipt of an Appeal, exists to review the detail of the facts leading to the disciplinary action and with the support of Statutes/Rules/Bylaws to make a final judgment against which there is no right of Appeal.
- The Chief Director is an ex-officio member, shall receive all communications, offer advice where this is appropriate but have no vote. The Chief Director will appoint the Chair and Deputy Chair as defined in the Constitution.
- As soon as the closing date for entries for any individual tournament is reached the Chair and Deputy Chair shall make recommendations to the Chief Director of persons they wish to invite to fill the seven available places on the Committee. When agreement is reached the Chair will contact each selected member inviting their participation. This procedure will be followed until acceptances have been received to fill all vacancies.
- In making their recommendations the Chair and Deputy Chair can recommend not more than one person who is currently a serving member of the Permanent Members, Steering, or Rules Committee. In the event that during a Tournament a second member of the Oversight Committee becomes a member of Permanent Members, Steering, or Rules Committee they can continue to serve on the Oversight Committee until the end of the particular tournament.
- No member of the League Administration team can be considered for membership of the Oversight Committee.
- Each member must be a subscriber to ICC and regularly compete in the Team 45 45 League. A sabbatical of not playing in one tournament is acceptable if it is the wish of the Chair and Deputy Chair for any person to continue for a further tournament. This means that a member can participate in a team in T32, take a sabbatical in T33 as a team member and continue as an Oversight Committee member. They must then participate in a team in T34 if it is their wish to be invited to participate on the Oversight Committee of that tournament.
- By accepting a position on the Oversight Committee each member makes a commitment to participate in all discussions and voting as necessary. Abstentions are only permitted where a member declares a personal interest in a motion, is absent on business or holiday, or has a domestic emergency
- Voting decisions on appeals are reached by simple majority. On any occasion where there is a tie in the vote, the benefit will be given to the TD for game related rulings and to the Appellant for behavioural issues (Sec. 17.E.iii)
- Where votes are cast for several options the one with the lowest number of votes will be discarded until there is one simple majority.
- All business will be conducted using e-mails or similar and upon receipt of any acceptable Appeal the Chair will initiate a unique reference number such as “T32/01/Seniorcitizen” where T32 is the respective tournament, 01 is the number of the Appeal and Seniorcitizen is the Appellant.
- This reference number must be included in any submission made by all Committee Members.
- All submissions must be addressed to the entire Committee including the Chief Director and if Microsoft Outlook is the system the “reply to all” button should be used. However, with such a system, it is necessary to highlight and delete all received text otherwise the string becomes huge and it is almost impossible to keep track of responses. Members using other systems such as gmail have also need to highlight and delete previous comments.
- On any occasion where the Oversight Committee uphold an Appeal the Chair will prepare a statement to send to the League Administration explaining the rationale behind the decision in accordance with a ruling made by the Permanent Members Steering Committee. This statement will be submitted for approval to the Oversight Committee before it is transmitted to the Administration.
- All information between members of the Oversight Committee is confidential to the Committee and can only be divulged by the Chair upon receiving the approval of the Committee. Any member found to have breached this confidentially will be removed from the Committee.
- In any Appeal where an adjournment has been agreed and there is a subsequent Appeal the Oversight Committee may only take into consideration any action happening after the adjournment. This is an earlier Oversight Committee decision where it was adjudicated that at the point of agreement to adjourn it has to be treated as though a new match is being arranged. There can, of course, be extenuating circumstances, which may cause the Oversight Committee to consider other actions.