Team 45 45 League

Team 45 45 League

Serious Chess and Team Spirit on the ICC
Steering Committee members:
      Permanent Members:
  DaveTheRook (chair), BosqueVerde, chesskix, rgadoury
      General Members:  , bmw2002, fledermaus, Gomer, Invicta-knight, Kingofknights, RedAttack

Standing Subcommittee (Rules):
      rgadoury (chair), BosqueVerde, chesskix, Invicta-Knight

Standing Subcommittee (Technology):
     bmw2002 (chair), AlPearson, BosqueVerde, chesskix, DaveTheRook, fledermaus, Gomer, rgadoury

The role and purpose of the Steering Committee is to manage the affairs of the league, to set its direction and expansion, see to its advertisement and management, writing the Constitution, Statutes and Handbooks, and reviewing the rulings of the previous Oversight Committee. This is the ultimate governing body of Team 45 45 League with all rights and responsibilities. (Article III of the League Constitution)

League Members may stay informed of potential rules changes by watching this page. Prior to voting results being displayed here, members may make their comments known by notifying any Steering Committee member, who may choose to forward your comments to the Steering Committee. The Committee members will not disclose any details of the Committee discussions.

Item 1  - T42 Tournament Parameters - Approved
Item 2 -  Proposed Statute addition: No appeal of Red Card for ICC ratings adjustment
Item 3 -  Editorial Revision of Statute 4.E.iv:
Item 4 -  Editorial Revision of Statute of 10.C

Item 1. T42 tournament parameters  - Approved
Submitted by the Chief TD:

Time Control: 45 45
Sections: 6 (U1200, U1400, U1600, U1800, U2000, U2200)
Rounds: 6 - (possibly 7) followed by Playoffs

Team entries accepted: July 7-21, 2009.
Team Entry Deadline: July 21, 2009.
Ratings "fixed" Date: June 30, 2009
(Some ratings may be adjusted by the Entry Clerk)

Round 1 Posted: 22:00 July 28, 2009.

Three rounds of playoffs will end October 6, 2009

Count of team RR reductions (if any) precedes board removal tiebreaks.
Tiebreak board removal rules start with board 4 this tournament

APPROVED: 10 yes, 0 no; June 16, 2009

Item 2. No appeal to a Red Card for ICC rating adjustment.
Submitted by Rules Subcommittee, July 5, 2009.

It is the unanimous opinion of Rules Subcommittee that there should be no right of appeal for this card.  The rationale being that we take ICC administration to have been fully justified in reducing the players rating, they would not do so without just cause, and the OC has no expertise in the matter. We suggest amending 4.E.iv. (4.E.v. is also shown, for comparison).

i.v  A player may be rejected for membership, or participation delayed, if there is evidence or reasons to believe the rating is not representative of the player’s ability. Many factors, including those described in ICC’s “help abuse”, will be considered in evaluating each rating. The entry clerk may refuse entry to any player whose standard rating has been adjusted by an ICC admin(*) by more than 200 points within the past 3 months, and may recommend a red card if the adjustment occurs during a tournament. Any outstanding games of a suspended player shall be forfeited.
There is no appeal of a Red Card for ICC rating adjustment.

v  A player suspected by CUDS of having used computer assistance may be given a red card. At the end of the required suspension the player may be reinstated if the Entry Clerk is able to determine a reasonable fixed rating. Under privacy guidelines of ICC, only the player will be provided with the reason for the red card. There is no appeal of a CUDS-recommended red card.

Item 3. Editorial Revision of 4.E.v
Submitted by Rules Subcommittee, July 5, 2009.

Under our editorial revision policy, unless a SC member wishes to bring it up for further debate, this change will be incorporated into the Statutes in one week.

On the advice of ICC administration, we have revised Section 4.E v to read:

4.E.v. A player suspected by CUDS of having used outside computer assistance may be given a red card. Outside assistance includes, but is not limited to, use of computer chess engines, chess databases or assistance from other players. At the end of the required suspension the player may be reinstated if the Entry Clerk is able to determine a reasonable fixed rating. Under privacy guidelines of ICC, only the player will be provided with the reason for the red card. There is no appeal of a CUDS-recommended red card. ¶SC41-42

Item 4. Editorial Revision of 10.C
Submitted by Rules Subcommittee, Aug 24, 2009

The current wording of 10.C seems to some players to require only the first poster to meet the full contact  requirements.  Also, some think that if the initial post does not meet all the requirements, the opponent can claim a forfeit. These changes attempt to clarify by creating a new term, "Initial Contact Requirements ", stating that both players must meet them, and that they have until the deadlines to do so. 

Under our editorial revision policy, unless a SC member wishes to bring it up for further debate, this change will be incorporated into the Statutes in one week.

Section 10.C. (revised) Contact Procedures -  Both players shall make contact with his/her opponent via Game Forum posts as soon as possible prior to the deadlines in order to negotiate a time to play;  either meeting the Initial Contact Requirements, or accepting an offer made by his opponent.

  1. Initial Contact Requirements: Players shall specify three or more distinct times to play on at least two different days within the one-week playing period of the round.
    1. A range of times, or several distinct times within a three-hour period, counts as one offer.
    2. A range of times equal to or greater than 3 hours is counted as two offers (e.g. 7:00 - 10:00). ¶ SC 36-37
    3. If a range is offered (e.g. Saturday 07:00 – 15:00 or “How about Tuesday”), the other player could accept any time within those ranges or on that day (Tuesday 00:00 to 23:45), and be binding on both players. The accepted time, however, must be exact, such as 13:30 Saturday. ¶ SC 33-34.
  2. Once a player has met the Initial Contact Requirements (10.C.i), he is not obligated to make any additional offers until the opponent posts offers. Subsequent posts may contain fewer than three offers. ¶ SC 38-39
  3. Offers still outstanding by either player may be removed or amended until accepted. ¶ SC 33-34.
  4. (first sentence removed) The timeliness and workability of each successive message shall be evaluated by the dTD if a dispute arises. ¶ SC 33-34.
  5. The back and forth offers should be done within 24 hours of each other, preferably even more quickly.

________ Mark up of changes below___________________________

Contact Procedures - Both players shall make contact with his/her opponent via Game Forum posts as soon as possible prior to the deadlinesin order to negotiate a time to play, either meeting the Initial Contact Requirements, or accepting an offer made by his opponent.

  1. Initial Contact Requirements:  The player who initiates this dialog shall Players shall specify three or more distinct times to play on at least two different days within the one-week playing period of the round.
    1. A range of times, or several distinct times within a three-hour period, counts as one offer.
    2. A range of times equal to or greater than 3 hours is counted as two offers (e.g. 7:00 - 10:00). ¶ SC 36-37
    3. If a range is offered (e.g. Saturday 07:00 – 15:00 or “How about Tuesday”), the other player could accept any time within those ranges or on that day (Tuesday 00:00 to 23:45), and be binding on both players. The accepted time, however, must be exact, such as 13:30 Saturday. ¶ SC 33-34.
  2. Once posts with three times have been made, a player is Once a player has met the initial contact requirements (10.C.i), he is not obligated to make any other offers until the opponent posts offers. Subsequent posts may contain fewer than three offers ¶ SC 38-39
  3. Offers still outstanding by either player may be removed or amended until accepted. ¶ SC 33-34.
  4. After a player transmits his initial three offers, his subsequent posts may contain a lesser number, a lesser number of counter offers may be made. The timeliness and workability of each successive message shall be evaluated by the dTD if a dispute arises. ¶ SC 33-34.
  5. The back and forth offers should be done within 24 hours of each other, preferably even more quickly.

Previous SC Agendas:

















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